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I walked inside after running over to Liam and Zayn's flat to drop off some stuff for them. I heard talking in the kitchen so I tip-toed to the doorway and listened in.

"Niall please." Louis said.

"Are you sure you want me to tell you?" Niall asked.

"Yes it's driving me insane! Why did you tell me to count up days?" Louis asked.

"Louis, I can smell it on you." Niall mumbled.

"Smell what?" Louis asked.

Niall sighed, "I can smell it but it's weak."

"Again, what can you smell?"

"Louis, I know what you did."

There was a moment of silence, "Shut up." Louis said, in what sounded like tears.

Louis, you have to tell him." Niall said.

"No. He'll be pissed." Louis said.

"But-" Niall started.

"But nothing... He wanted a baby but he was too scared to tell you."

"So you replaced the suppressants? And don't even deny it, I can smell the scent of them on you." Niall said.

"I just gave Liam what he wanted." Louis protested in a weak voice.

"It's fine... I could get used to the idea of having a baby." Niall said.

"Anyway, why have I been counting up days?" Louis asked.

I could hear Niall snicker, "Louis, you and Liam are on the same heat cycle." Niall said.


"Think about it?"

"Oh." Louis said in what sounded like a panic voice.

"Yeah, now add those days up and tell me what you get." Niall smarted.


An hour later Louis was on his phone again, on the couch looking at dates on his calendar. He looked lost, so I decided to go out and grab some beer to calm the nerves and tension in the house.

I got back home about half an hour later. I could smell something very familiar as soon as I walked into the house. I soon figured it out, and pin-pointed it to Louis's scent, but he was gone yet it was the scent of pleasure.

I sat the beer on the coffee table and walked to the kitchen as the scent got stronger. I walked into the kitchen and the smell overwhelmed me. Niall was sitting on the kitchen counter scrolling through his phone, he glanced up at me then sat his phone down.

"Oh, you're back." Niall said.

I payed no attention to his statement as I walked over to him and smelt Louis.

"What are you-?"

I smelt his neck, where I know Louis loves to nuzzle after sex and the smell overwhelmed me. I growled, my Alpha self becoming extremely territorial. The next thing I know I'm pinning Niall into the wall.

"What the hell-?"

"You slept with him? I knew he was acting funny, looking at dates all the time."

"What? No!"

"At least fucking admit to it!"

"Let me go!" Niall squirmed from my grasped, where I had him pinned against the wall.

Knot me (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now