Ch 29

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Dedicated to @LOVEISLOVELETITBE for giving me a reason to continue.


"Breathe." Louis' mind screamed at him.

Louis stood in front of the long body mirror, eyes squeezed shut. 

"Just breathe. Everything's going to be okay" Louis whispered in an attempt to comfort himself.

Louis' mind raced. It's been a month. A month since that night where everything seemed put together. Louis felt his chest tighten.

"You knew not to. You knew not to get attached." Louis tried to remind himself.

A month. Just a month. Everything seems so fragile once you see what a single month can do to you. How much a single moth can break you.

"It's okay." Louis tried, a tear running down his cheek, "You knew it was risky and you took the chance anyway."

Louis takes a few deep, shaky breaths.

"Okay. Okay." He takes one more deep breath, "On the count of three, you can do this. One. Two..." he pauses and swallows, "Three." He shakily breathed out, opening his eyes to the view in front of him.

His first reaction is to not move. To look and not move. He tries to give his mind the chance to process what his body recovered from so quickly.

Louis stares, and stares. His eyes never move from their target. Louis reaches up slowly, hand hovering above. 

There's a knock at the door, but Louis makes no move to acknowledge it. Louis' hand stays hovering in front of himself. He feels betrayed by his own body. Another knock comes a second later.

"Louis please." He can hear Harry's voice through the door, "Please just talk to me." The tears in his eyes are audible through his voice as he talks. "I can't do this without you."

Louis doesn't move. Hopes and prays that he won't have to react, but the door slowly opens and Harry makes his way over to stand behind Louis. Harry stands behind him with just enough closeness that makes you believe that he isn't afraid to touch him.

"Lou..." Harry tries, head tipped as if he want to hide in Louis neck, barely peaking out from behind his shoulder. He moved a hand out to touch Louis' shoulder but stops, hovering over it before pulling his hand away and letting it drop to his side.

"Louis please, please just say something." Harry begs, "It's been a month and you haven't. We haven't. Lou, we can't live like this." Tears fill his eyes.

He looked to where Louis was starring in the mirror, his hand hovering. Louis' eyes look up to where Harry is standing behind him. He goes to say something but his eyes are filled with tears and no words escape.

"It's not your fault Lou." Harry whispers.

Louis drifts his eyes back down, "T-then, then why are you standing here?" Louis says, tears freely falling down his cheeks, "Looking at me like... L-Like I-I d-did, like I did." Louis can't even finish before he breaks into full force sobbing.

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