Chapter 3- People who complain

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Chapter 3- People who complain

This chapter, you guys might relate, a lot. I like the idea that people can rely on me but when people come to complain about something that doesn't always go their way, it makes me annoyed. I know I complain but not as much as my friends do.

"OH MY GAWD! It's way too hot. I'm about to melt."

That's one of the complaints I hear a lot lately. It's stupid. We all know it's hot and we all know that the paint-so called makeup- on your face is melting. Goodness.

"But you complain a lot BlackAbegnation."

"I know fellow reader but I'm doing it because this is A FUCKING RANT BOOK!!"



Anyway. I like it when something bad happens to a person and they come to me. It feels good to be relied on, not be a personal rant book.

I am always hearing, "Why this or why that. This sucks."

This stuff always makes my blood boil. I know I'm being a hypocrite but...

(Tries Thinks up good reason)

I don't know. I'm just a hypocrite. I don't complain a lot.

I think.

Oh well.

Let me explain to you that there's a difference between complaining and feeling uncomfortable.

Telling someone that your Science teacher gropes you after class is feeling uncomfortable. And that's alright.

Telling someone that it's hot when everyone knows that it's hot is fucking complaining. That's not alright.

Well that's pretty much it.

Yours Truly, BlackAbegnation😘😘

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