Chapter 55

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Things turned out as Qin Yu expected. Within a few days, Jun Shi also sent someone to look for him. They met at a restaurant at the foot of Tianyanzong Mountain.

  On the day of the appointment, as soon as Qin Yu stepped into the restaurant, he was greeted by a smartly dressed man. Qin Yu felt the surging demonic energy in him, "Are you from Junshi?"

  The man replied respectfully to Qin Yu, "Master Dao is wise. Your Highness is in the Accord upstairs. Please come with me." Qin Yu nodded and walked upstairs under his guidance. On the way, Qin Yu suddenly asked, "In your heart, what kind of person is Jun Shi?" "This..." The man was at a loss and didn't know how to answer.

  Just at this moment, a door opened in front, "Can't you just ask me? Ah Rong." Jun Shi leaned on the doorpost and looked at Qin Yu with a smile. The eyelids of the man leading the way twitched and he immediately lowered his head. He had never seen His Highness smile so brightly. Qin Yu noticed his strangeness and felt a little more clear. He already had the answer to the previous question.

  "Since Your Highness has said so, I will be disrespectful. Then I -" Just as he was saying this, Qin Yu suddenly smelled a very light aroma in his nose. He paused, looked at the source of the aroma, and also It was Jun Shi who was standing in front, his eyes widened slightly.

  "Ah Rong?" Jun Shi waved away his subordinates, walked quickly to Qin Yu, and stared at the suddenly stunned person uneasily. A more obvious aroma than before lingered around Qin Yu. If he smelled it correctly, this should be... Qin Yu lowered his eyes. It seemed that things were far more simple than he thought. He rubbed his fingertips to calm down his shocked emotions, looked at the unaware Jun Shi with complicated eyes, and then said, "Please tell me what kind of person you are, Your Highness."

  "Are you really okay?" Jun Shi took Qin Yu to sit down in the Yage and poured him a cup of tea. Qin Yu stared at his reflection on the water and said, "It's okay, I just made an interesting discovery." Jun Shi's hand pouring tea shook, and he had a hunch that this discovery would definitely not be called interesting to him. .

  But seeing that Qin Yu didn't want to say more, he couldn't ask any more questions. He could only follow Qin Yu's previous words and said, "I think I am a very considerate person." "Considerate?" Qin Yu Ask him back. "Of course," Jun Shi said, approaching Qin Yu, and their breaths blended. "Didn't Ah Rong notice? I have always been obedient to you. I will never ask you aggressively if you don't want to say it, let alone let you know." You are in a dilemma..."

Qin Yu couldn't help laughing and distanced himself from him. Enduring the huge loss that suddenly came, Jun Shi asked, "A Rong doesn't believe it?" Qin Yu thought to himself, do you dare to use Xie Qiu's identity or... to say this? But on his face, he pretended to be honored, raised his tea cup, and said in a long tone, "Believe it, why don't you believe it? Thank you for your highness's thoughtfulness. I will offer you a cup of tea instead of wine." After that, he said Drink it all in one gulp.

  This behavior was obviously aimed at irritating people, and Jun Shi was indeed angered. "Arong, you... forget it." Jun Shi frowned slightly, "Don't believe it if you don't believe it. After all, I can't force you." He said. This was true, but he kept staring at Qin Yu with resentful eyes.

  "Ahem." Qin Yu turned his head to avoid his gaze, holding back his smile and asked, "Did you ask the Demon Lord about Chun Tu?" Jun Shi's eyelashes trembled, but he didn't expect Qin Yu to still remember this. He sighed softly and replied, "I asked, and my father said that it was in his hands before, but it is no longer with him."

  Without the discovery behind the system, Qin Yu would definitely not believe this, but now he believes it, because Chun Tu is indeed not in the hands of the Demon Lord. "Then have you asked him where Chun Tu is now?" Jun Shiwen Yan stared at Qin Yu motionlessly, until Qin Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, then he chuckled and said, "Of course I asked, Ah Rong, guess what he said about my father?"

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