Chapter 14

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"In that case -" With a smile on his lips, Qin Yu leaned forward again, closer to Jiao Yi, and then took advantage of Jiao Yi's sudden daze to reach out suddenly!

  The next moment, a splash of water was heard, followed by splashes of water.

  "Your Highness" Jiao Yi didn't expect to be pulled down for a moment. He raised his hand to brush away the water droplets splashed on his face, then raised his head and looked at Qin Yu, with surprise written on his face. At this time, the warm water had soaked into his clothes, and they clung tightly to his body, clearly outlining the lines of his thin, perfect upper body. If you go further down, you won't be able to see clearly because you are under the water.

  Qin Yu looked at the people in the soup pool and couldn't help laughing. He took a single piece of clothing and put it on, held out a hand to Jiao Yi, and said in a sly tone, "Are you angry now?"

  Jiao Yi suddenly realized that His Highness dragged him into the water just to see if he would be angry?

  After knowing the whole story, Jiao Yi burst into laughter, laughing at Qin Yu's sudden childishness. If possible, he hoped that His Highness could always maintain an innocent heart and not have to be tempered, but how could it be possible? After all, His Highness was born in an imperial family.

  If only, it would have been better if he had come to him earlier. With regret, Jiao Yi shook off the water drops on his hand, took the hand handed by Qin Yu, and replied firmly: "No, I will never I will be angry with His Highness."

  "Jiao is such a good host." The system sighed.

  It's true, yes, the smile on Qin Yu's face became more and more obvious. He looked into Jiao Yi's eyes and said, "I believe it." He believed it sincerely.
  The other person's body temperature was continuously transmitted to Qin Yu's heart through his palms. He pulled the person up with a little force and said, "Come up."

  As a result, before taking two steps, Qin Yu suddenly turned around. Jiao Yi, who was following him, couldn't dodge and fell backwards. Qin Yu subconsciously opened his arms and hugged him, preventing him from falling into the water again. ending. But as a result, the distance between them suddenly shortened, their bodies were almost touching, and they could even feel the warm breath between them.

  Their eyes met, everything was so ambiguous in the mist.

  Jiao Yi's face turned red instantly. He quickly looked away and looked away and said, "Thank you, Your Highness. Please tidy up for a while, and then move to another bathing hall."

  After all the trouble, it was time to take a bath again. Qin Yu felt a little guilty. After making sure that he was standing firmly, he let go of his hand and said with some confidence: "Okay."

  That moment was like an illusion, it came and went as quickly as it came.


  Qin He wanted to use him to achieve his goal, but he refused to let the other party succeed. Not only that, he also wanted him to pay the price to avenge him and Mo Lin. Linhe secretly made up his mind and gradually tightened his grip on the tea cup.

  "Linhe is in a bad mood?" A deep and pleasant voice sounded in Linhe's ears. Linhe was startled, and the owner of the voice said again, "The tea has gone cold."
  Linhe looked down and found that the rising heat was indeed gone from the cup. He quickly put it down, "Sorry, I was distracted."

  "If you have any questions, you might as well just say it. Maybe I can help you." Qin Yu said slowly as he watched him take another cup of tea from the servant's hand.

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