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The massacre of the Atreides family happened quickly in the night, a meticulously orchestrated attack that left no room for escape or mercy. The Harkonnens had barely been away from Arrakis a month before they decided to take back their planet. The once proud and noble House Atreides was brought to its knees in a single, horrific night of bloodshed and treachery.

The death of my extended family saddened me deeply. With their demise, the power and prestige associated with the Atreides name was severely diminished. My own surname, once a symbol of strength and noble lineage, now held significantly less influence and sway within the political corridors of the Imperium. 

I wondered if I might have a claim of sorts for the ancestral castle on Caladan. The tranquil home, that sat perched high above the crashing waves of the sea, was a place steeped in history and grandeur. But even if I did acquire it, the risks involved would be vast. The Harkonnens, driven by their vendetta against the Atreides, would not rest until every vestige of our house was eradicated. Any move to assert control over Caladan would undoubtedly provoke their wrath and invite almost certain doom. Faced with these grim realities, I knew my path to power would not be through the traditional avenue of family legacy. I would have to be more cunning. The political landscape of the Imperium was a treacherous maze, but it was also rife with opportunity for those who could navigate its complexity. I would carve out a new path to power.   

A week before the attack on Arrakeen, Mother Gaius left Chapterhouse in a vessel headed for Giedi Prime, home-planet of the Harkonnens. Though she would never admit it openly, I knew she had a hand at play regarding the attack. Initially, I thought the Atreides' demise might serve her by eliminating the threat of a rouge prophet, but I could not find her depraved enough to abet the murder of a fellow sister and her child.

I joined her on her monthly trip to Kaitain,where she served as Truthsayer for the Emperor. There had been reports of a risingleader among the Fremen, a prophet of sorts, who called himself Muad'Dib. Eversince the beast Glossu Rabban, the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen's sadistic nephew,was appointed governor of Arrakis, Muad'Dib and his desert warriors had wreakedhavoc on spice production, systematically destroying harvesters and almostbringing the invaluable trade to a halt.

"The one who points the way, they call him. These are our own religiouspatterns, are they not? This is our doing?" I ask Mother Gaius. I do not needher to respond, for I already know the answer. We are strolling through one ofthe many passageways of the Emperor's massive fortress. Though his home wasbeautiful – open with much light from the sun, and greenery around every corner– I had not had much time to enjoy it. My days were filled with meetings withfellow sisters, discussing strategy. I was glad to finally be a part of somethingmajor, but I had an urge for movement.

Princess Irulan, daughter of the Emperor and a fellow Bene Gesserit, strodetoward us with urgency. Her golden hair caught the light as she moved. Therewas a determined look in her eyes, one that hinted at the weight of herthoughts. 

"What if Paul Atreides was still alive?" She asks the Reverend Mother rather quietly, likely to keep her theories from her father's ears.

"If he were living among the Fremen, they would believe him to be the prophet. We laid the seeds for that, before he arrived on Arrakis. If he is alive, and the other great houses find out that my father is the reason for the eradication of the Atreides, he will lose his throne. There is no hope" She continues. She is self-serving, I know she cares more for her own claim to the throne than her fathers.

"Hope? We are Bene Gesserit. We do not hope, we plan" The Reverend Mother answers curtly.

"We are at risk for being in danger. We need to something about it. The Baron's youngest nephew, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen will inherit Arrakis, it will be his task to get spice production back on track. He may be the answer" Mother Gaius continues.

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