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Early in the morning, a message arrived from Giedi Prime. Being the na-Baron, Feyd received it, though it was addressed to both of us. Shorty after delivering the sealed cylinder to Feyd, Countess Corliss woke me to inform me of its arrival, safely assuming Feyd would not.

"Thank you, Corliss." I told her, still nestled in my bed.

"Of course, my Lady." She replied. Her long, mahogany hair cascaded over her back and shoulders in loose, effortless waves. Her eyes were sharp and bright, her presence elegant even in the early morning light. Her figure stood over me in a vaguely threatening way, shielding me from the light of the dawn that streamed in through the window.

"Do you know where I might find him?" I asked, slipping out of bed and making my way to the closet.

"I believe he was headed to the gardens for breakfast, though I cannot be certain." Corliss replied. She sat gracefully on the edge of my bed, watching me with an attentive gaze as I rummaged through the closet, searching for a suitable dress.

"Right. I will go to him, then. The Baron does not send unsubstantial messages." I said as I selected a dark-green gown, adorned with golden details. I slid it onto my bare body with ease, the metal of the gold clinking together softly. The velvet fabric clung to my form, the soft insides of it sending a shiver down my neck as it caressed my skin. Moving quickly, I walked to my vanity and began brushing through my dishevelled hair, attempting to make myself presentable. 

Corliss stood up, her movements fluid and poised. "I will walk you to him." She offered, with a tone that gave no room to deny. 

She linked our arms together as we exited my chambers and started our walk to the gardens.

"So, did you find enjoyment in my dear Cassius? He is quite famous among the ladies here, known primarily for his tongue." Countess Corliss asked as we walked through the long hallway. Luckily, at this early hour, there were no other keen ears to eavesdrop on our conversation, only a few rabbits hopping along the carpet.

"Is he a prostitute? I thought he was merely a friend of yours." I asked, unable to hide my disapproval.

"Oh, no. I would not call him a prostitute." Corliss argued, scoffing slightly.

"So, he does not sell himself, then?" I asked, my tone growing sharper.

"Of course not. I do not condone whoring in my palace." She said, her voice edged with defensiveness.

"Is he a nobleman, then?" I pressed.


"Then what makes him equipped for being a guest of the palace?" I asked, my voice tinged with scepticism.

"Well, the women here enjoy him so much, he is given food and other riches in exchange for his presence." She explained.

"Is that not the definition of prostitution?" I countered.

"Call it what you will. But I assure you, he is here because he wants to be. If he wishes to leave, he will not be held back at the gates." She said, sloppily hiding her aggression behind a tight smile. 

As we reached a door leading to the gardens, she stopped and turned to me. "You worry too much for others. Let your time on Chusuk be a time to enjoy yourself." She spoke, holding a warm hand on the cold skin of my shoulder. She had misread me. I did not worry for others so much as I worried for the survival of my own morality.

"I will try." I said, forcing a smile.

Feyd was seated in his usual chair, at his usual table, in the west side of the gardens, where the fountains created a soothing hum of running water, and the tall roses formed a secreted sanctuary of sorts. He seemed to be a creature of habit, clearly finding comfort in routine and familiarity. It was strange seeing him in such a serene environment, he looked violently out of place, a contradiction to the gentle beauty surrounding him. His time in the colourful sun had started to bring out the faintest freckles on his nose, only noticeable if you really stared at him – as I tended to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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