Chapter 10 - Mare

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Authors Note: 

Hey y'all! Today I have a long chapter for you! This chapter took me a while, I guess I haven't been as motivated. I'm so happy I have readers at least! Thank you so much! Also 300+ views!! That's awesome!! Thank youuu! 


- sheepi

I'm sitting on my bed, staring at the ground. Anything else causes me pain. I can barely move without intense pain in my upper body. What happened to me?

My arms are all red and scabbed, but once they heal, the scars that he left on me will be seen. I'll have to wait to see what they are.

I was left to rot in my cage for a long while. Days passed, or maybe weeks?- I stopped keeping track- and I was stuck alone in my cage. The days were difficult. Without my arms, I was rendered useless, and even worse, I felt useless. 

I could barely move my arms, let alone eat or drink with them. I stayed in bed for a while too, and my Arvens even had to check if I was still alive. If I wasn't stuck here, I would be laughing. 

I wish I could. It seems as if after the day I was burned, the little bit of hope I had was also burned away. I felt almost... hollow. It was a weird feeling, but it was better than the pain of misplaced hope.

The days alone were helpful in a way. My arms started healing, barely though, but even so, I was starting to think of escaping on my own. It didn't look as if Cal was trying to get me out, and I was tired of waiting. I needed to act on my own accord and escape.

 My arms shuddered suddenly, pain reverberating throughout my body. I sucked in a deep breath through clenched teeth, and closed my eyes. I needed to stay calm. My anger could not get in the way anymore. The only reason why I'm here is because of my mistakes.

I get up from the bed in my cage and start walking around. The silent stone still drains the energy out of me, but I feel the urge to do something, and so I start pacing around the room. Ever since the day I tried killing myself, I haven't been left alone. Barren - the name for the Arven who reminds me of egg - watches me pace back and forth. 

From my cage, I can hear hurried footsteps suddenly rush to the door, and the locks are quickly opened. A flush red servant- the first one I've ever seen near me- frantically whispers into Barren's ear. He suddenly shoots straight up and makes eye contact with me. I stop my pacing and cross my arms. He shoves the red out the door and turns around to face me.  

"Come on. Let's go." He walks to me and grabs me hastily by my upper arm. Pain rockets through my body

"Where are you taking me?" I ask as he drags me out the door. The other Arvens join us, caging me in between them. The walk is silent as they take me throughout Whitefire. Random bursts of strong silence are inflicted on me, meaning that my Arvens are nervous. What the hell is happening?

I'm too deep in my thoughts that I don't even realize where we are until it's too late. I'm standing directly in front of the King's quarters, my Arvens completely surrounding me.

Barren slowly opens the large wooden doors, and I'm slowly led inside. Maven's room is almost exactly as it was, yet different. His bed remains small, child-like, while the rest of his room is more suited to his age.

Shelves adorned with books, and a large fireplace right across the bed. Wait. Was I in his bedroom when I woke up from my would've been death? Was I in his bed? The knowledge of this almost makes me retch. My head touched the same pillow as his. I shudder at the thought. I continue to look around. 

 The few paintings that were in his old quarters are here along with him. Of course, of just Elara and him. Cal and his father have been removed from the palace. The Arvens push me past his bed and past his fireplace, and a few feet away from his bed, we turn slightly left to where another bed rests...?

 I remember suddenly. Iris. She hasn't been in my mind at all for the past few weeks. I was slowly losing my touch. It must be Iris's bed. The Arvens quickly grab me and take me back to stand in front of the fireplace. I can feel their panic in the way they handle me. 

 Barren and two others stay with me, while the fourth Arven quickly goes to look around. Did Maven want to see me? We stand there for a few moments, my Arvens still as a rock, and me slouching terribly. Loud screaming pulls me out of my thoughts and a huge crash from Maven's office startles us all. The doors slam open seconds later, and a huge wave of heat bathes us.

 My Arvens shake in fear. As do I. Maven walks out the doors, running his hand through his hair, leaving a disheveled mess, with bloodshot eyes, and blood splattered over the front of his white shirt. He looks manic as he mutters quietly under his breath, his eyes unfocused on the floor.

 He instantly snaps his head in our direction, and makes eye contact with me. His eyes scare me. Elara's eyes for once don't look at me. His are his own as of right now, and they are physcopathic. He looks away from me and instead turns to the Arvens. 

 "Leave." Is all he says. The Arvens hesitate slightly. Maven obviously notices. "Get the hell out of my chambers before I burn your bodies slowly and watch you scream like I did your brother. Get out. Take his dead remains from my study while you're at it." They basically sprint out the room. 

 I don't want to be here. I will take any cage and stay in safety rather than be anywhere near this version of Maven. My fear instantly roots me to the spot and I can't even breathe because I'm terrified. Shame fills me as my cowardness rises. What happened to the fighter in me?

I want to ask what happened, yet at the same time I want to run out of the room. He doesn't say anything, and neither do I. We stare at each other for a while, and slowly the manic look in his eyes starts to disappear. I don't trust him though. I keep my eyes on him, not daring to let him best me again. My arms sting just from the memory alone.  

He finally speaks. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that." I want to scoff. Since when does he care about my judgement? I decide to speak.

"How's Iris?" He looks surprised. 

"Iris?" He scoffs. "She left Norta right after the terrorist attack. There is still peace between our countries, but she felt unsafe which is why she left. Why the sudden fascination on the Lakelander princess?"

"The bed, I assumed it was hers." I say carefully.

He smirks. "No Mare, it was never Iris's."

"Then who's..?" I say slowly.

Maven says it right when understanding dawn

s on my face.

"It's yours."

Ahhhhhhh cliffhangerrrr!! I'm sorry guys! I am behind now, I used to have at least one extra chapter to post if I wasn't feeling like writing but now I actually have to write 😅😅. But I hope you guys are liking it so far?? How'd you feel about Mavey? Scared or intrigued??

JK lmao

See you guys in 2 weeks 😈😈


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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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