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I jump on Glenn's back and he carries me towards one of the TWO houses we got in a safe community

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I jump on Glenn's back and he carries me towards one of the TWO houses we got in a safe community. Eric and Aaron kept their word. They really did have a community with walls. Not only do they have walls, they have electricity and water! Freaking water! Actual running water!

"You're heavy for such a small woman!" Glenn complains as he climbs up the porch.

I roll my eyes and let him set me down. I'm surprised he didn't drop me with how short he is.

Alexandria is ran by a woman named Deanna and her husband, Reg. She recorded each of us and asked what we were before the apocalypse and our hopes for the future. It seems wonderful here but the people also seem naive. They've been sheltered from the dead and the ugliness of what's outside these walls.

Even though we were given two houses, Rick wants us to share one for the first night at least. I understand his hesitation. I don't want us to be separated then something happens either.

We all pile into the house and I excitedly pull Sam through each room to check it out.

"Slow down," Sam complains as I tug on his arm. We finally reach the master bathroom and I grin, "Make sure you shave your face. You look awful with a beard."

He pushes me gently, "You're rude."

"I'm just being honest!"

"And what about your hairy legs? You look like Big Foot!"

"Hey! He's not even real!"

"Rick! Come get your woman! She's being rude!" Sam calls for Rick which makes me bust out in laughter.

"Did you just tell dad on me?" I tease.

"No. If I was telling dad on you, I would have told Dean," he says smugly.

"You know Dean will pick my side over yours," I challenge.

"You're such a daddy's little princess," He glares at me but I can tell he's teasing me.

I shrug, "Perks of being a woman."

"Get out so I can shower," He says, nudging me out.

I giggle and turn around to walk out the door. I head downstairs where Maggie is waiting for me with a sleeping Judith.

"Want to give her a bath?" She asks me, handing her over.

"Yeah, I'll have her shower with me and Rick," I nod, taking the sleeping baby.

"You don't want to use that time to be alone?" She teases.

I laugh, "No."

I'd rather use less water and time so everyone has the chance of warm water. It'll be so nice for everyone to be clean and fed. We even have a roof over our head and for the first time in forever, we don't have to worry about the dead.

I know i'm not the only one staring in awe as Rick walks down the stairs. The beard that once covered his face is now gone. He looks absolutely boyish and it's the cutest thing I have ever seen.

There's whistles throughout the group and I let out a small giggle. His eyes immediately meet mine, "something funny?"

"Nope," I answer, popping the P.

He walks over to me and holds out his hands for Judith. I grin and press a kiss to his now soft cheek. He smells of aftershave and I can't help but melt.

"I'm surprise Judith even recognizes you," Daryl comments.

That makes a lot of people laugh and snicker.

"Yeah yeah," Rick shakes his head.

The doorbell rings and Rick presses a kiss to my forehead before handing Judith back to me and walks to the front door. I never thought I would hear a doorbell again.

I walk behind Rick to see who it is. He opens the door and Deanna is standing on the porch, shock evident on her face when she looks at Rick's face.

Deanna invites us to a dinner party. A freaking dinner party. It's wild around here. I swear.

There's clean clothes, makeup, shoes, and other things I never thought we would have. There's plenty of toys for Judith and the cutest little stuffed bunny that she's taken a liking to.

"So you're going to be a sherif again?" I ask Rick while we sit on the porch together.

"Looks like it," he answers, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I lean against him, "That's hot."

He smirks, "Oh really?"

"Definitely. You'll have to wear your uniform to bed," I tease.

"Want me to arrest you and punish you for being a bad girl?" he questions, leaning closer to me.

Butterflies flutter in my stomach and his words go straight between my legs, "Please."

"No problem, my little criminal."

I giggle, "I have been arrested before."

"You surprise me everyday."

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