Chapter 3

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"What's your name?" I asked as he led me inside some fancy car. I didn't know much about cars but this one was clearly new and clearly very expensive.

"Tristan Azalov."

"Tristan," I said trying out my captor's name on my tongue.

"Leandor," he said in reply.

We had to drive for some time before we reached civilisation again. Another reminder that I was trapped. It had taken us longer to get out of the forest than it had taken me yesterday when I was on the way to see my sister, Tristan must live quite deeper into the forest. I tried to make a note of what turns we took but it all just looked the same for the longest time that I don't think it really did me any good.

"What are you?" I asked him eventually. I had my guesses but I had to know for certain.

"I'm sure you know."

"So far all I know is that you can move really fast and that you have an affinity with murder and kidnapping," I replied crossing my arms.

That made him chuckle. "An apt description. Truly."

"You're not human..."

"No I'm not. Not anymore. Not for a long time."

"A long time..." I echoed back. "How long?"


I stared at him in shock. He looked older than me sure but not that much older. I know I should have been in more shock, should have been denying that supernatural things even existed, but I know what I saw. Unless of course I was having a psychotic break, which would make sense considering the whirlwind of events that were transpiring right now.

"Do you also drink blood?" I asked wary.

He turned to me and smirked. "There. We got there at last."

"Vampire..." I whispered.

I think I was starting to get an idea of what he wanted me for. "You want to drink my blood."

"Yes. Among other things," he said looking me up and down in the passenger seat.

I should just throw myself out of the car. Kill myself on the side of the road. That seemed a better fate than the things Tristan wanted to do to me.

"You're going to r...r..." I started to hyperventilate. I was so so fucked.

"Oh relax. When you climb into my bed I assure you it will be out of your own volition," he said.

"So you won't... won't make me do that?"

"I like to take care of my pets, not torture them," came his response. His 'pet'.

"But you're going to drink my blood," I said arguing back. Was that not torturing me. I could only imagine the pain of his teeth, his fangs?, butchering my skin and ripping into me.

"Oh you will quite enjoy that," he responded laughing away as if he wasn't ruining my life and subjecting me into his servitude to do as he pleases.

"I doubt it," I replied. Why was I so intent on not angering the man anyway? Maybe if I annoy him enough he will just kill me and I won't have to live through this pitiful life he's forcing me into as his fucking 'pet'.

"There are toxins in my bite.You will not feel pain, only contentment. Pleasure for some. All your worries will just melt away."

I scrunched my eyebrows at him as I tried to figure out if he was messing with me. Well I guess I would find out when he got hungry. Though why he hasn't drank from me yet I didn't know.

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