Chapter 19

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I couldn't speak.

I tried but even when I did all I could hear was the wind as we zoomed through the forest. Henrique as well liked to live secluded, though his estate had been surrounded by fields for miles until the trees started showing up. We were already past all those fields, that's how fast Tristan ran.

It was maybe 10 minutes before Tristan finally slowed down but it was insane how much ground we'd covered in that time, maybe not as much as we would have if we'd taken the car, but it was very impressive for being on feet and it probably would have been too much of a risk to go back for the car. I'd been holding onto Tristan's neck the whole time and unfortunately the speed at which we ran hadn't really helped my light headedness, though I was sure by now some more of my blood had replenished in my body.

When we finally stopped, Tristan put me down for a moment while he and Serafina caught their breath.

"It's not far enough. We have to keep moving," Serafina said exhausted.

"I don't have enough energy to keep running that fast," Tristan replied hunched over. "I've used up all my blood stores."

"Didn't you drink anything at that bloody feast?" Serfina asked.

"No, not blood anyway," Tristan grumbled. "It won't have made much of a difference anyway, I drank Leandor's blood earlier today. You'll probably only be able to go for another 5 minutes at this speed."

"Where's your hotel?" She asked.

"Usual place."

"Then that's only another 2 minutes of running full speed."

"Lucky you," Tristan said finally able to stand tall.

"Yes, lucky me. Give me your hotel key, I'll go hide out there because I definitely won't be able to get anymore blood any time soon to get home, not tonight anyway if I don't want to draw attention to myself. You, however, can use your all you can eat buffet to run home," she said nodding at me.

It was pitch black where we stood, the foliage of the trees hiding any light from the moon, so I couldn't see a thing. I could only listen as the two talked while I tried to feel steady on my own feet again and wondered what was going on. What had happened back there and why was Tristan so eager to get away? Something, or someone, had scared him.

"I can't take his blood. He's already had too much taken today," Tristan argued.

"The whole point of him is that you take his blood," Serafina argued back.

"No. I won't do it."

"Is he not your pet?"

"Of course he is."

Serafina didn't say anything right away and when she did it began with laughter. "No he isn't, is he?" I still couldn't see very well but I felt Tristan's hand go in front of me protectively. "Well you don't have a choice. You're not going to find anyone else in these woods to drink from." Then I heard a noise that sounded like a fast whoosh of wind.


"Relax dear, all I took was the hotel key. I'm at least getting out of here. You know what to do if you want to get away too. Just remember that if you refuse to drink from him then he's probably going to die anyway because they will come for you."

Another woosh of wind and I was sure she was gone.

"What's going on Tristan?" I asked finally finding my voice in the dark. "What happened back there?"

"Nothing good." His hands came to my shoulders, holding me close as I guess he tried to figure out what to do.

"That's not an answer. Who was back there? Why are they after you?"

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