Chapter 29

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Darkness was all around me.

Perhaps darkness wasn't even the right word. It was a nothingness. Something incomprehensible. My soul had fractured, my life essence bleeding out...going...gone. Gone.

I was nothing and nowhere and no one.

And then there were flashes. Flashes of light in this void of mist and blackness, blankness, black and blank and nothing and no one and then the flashes.

With each flash came a memory. Slow at first. My earliest memory came first. My toes in the air, lying on my back, a child. So small. Then another flash. My parent's faces, more prominently my sister's. School. Friends. First crushes. First kiss. First lover. University, a job, my niece, the woods, running. Running and running. Scared. Terrified. Tristan. Blood and love and delights I never had before and love and love and Tristan and love.

This was my end. My life flashing before me and the darkness closing in ready to smother me into the next plane for whatever awaited me if anything awaited me at all. And then, breath. A faint inhalation of air. The realisation that I did not in fact need to breathe at all but did on instinct. Blood in my veins so strong the smell and sound of it rushing and rushing back around my body building into a crescendo thumping and pounding and grinding and pushing me awake until my eyes opened and I was back in the world back from that void and into the very same room that I had...died in.

I died.

Now I was reborn.

"W...what. No! Vampires don't feed their pets. You don't care about them. You fed him?!" Ruby screamed at Tristan who stared at no one but me. A strength previously unknown to me flowed into me, and before anyone could utter a further word, I sprung from my chair with unnatural fury slaughtering every witch in that room. I had been too fast for any of them to see me coming. I was so fast it was as though I were wind itself. I was faster even than Tristan.


I ran to him, noticing the bindings that had previously held him back had unravelled to the floor. Perhaps they had held him in place through magic and with these witches dead that magic was gone.

"Leandor..." his voice was soft but so loud in my ears. Everything was so loud. Blood. Blood in my veins rushing like waves consuming me enticing me delighting me. Blood and blood and blood and Tristan.

I ran to him and embraced him. I was scared. I was like him now and I was scared. I guess we had had a little more time before his blood was going leave me entirely. Those remaining drops had sustained me, brought me back, and I was like him and I was scared.

His arms embraced me.

"It's alright. It will be alright. But right now there are other witches in this house. Fenrir is probably being tortured by them as we speak. We must destroy them all. Eradicate every single one for what they have done," he said his voice calm. Except he wasn't calm. I could hear it somehow, so subtle but there. He was holding back how he really felt. "Will you feed me your blood dear."

"I..." my voice croaked and sound returned to me. "I can't. I am...a vampire."

"Your blood, your human blood, it's still in your veins. You are at the strongest you will ever be in all of your existence, stronger than me or anyone else centuries older. But your blood will leave you quickly. Please. Allow me one final taste so I do not have to take from these vile vermin who already lay dead, and let us end this. Together."

I leant back and stared at him from where I leant on the floor between his legs. "Okay," I whispered angling my neck toward him and allowing him a final taste of my human blood, whatever was left of it. This time when he bit me it was not accompanied by the same sensations I had as a human. Not that it hurt or felt bad, except it didn't feel quite so debilitating anymore, only slightly pleasant, but not all consuming.

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