Chapter 22 - 18+

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Tristan let me push him back on the bed as we swapped positions. He leant back against the headrest and helped me pull his trousers off until he was just in his boxers. There was a noticeable bulge denting them and hunger in his eyes. I could already tell him was big and I bit my lip in anticipation.

Tristan leant forward and capture my lips in his own, sucking and biting them instead as he ravaged my mouth. I moaned leaning forward and he scooped me onto his lap making me straddle him. I was spent from having orgasmed already but already felt myself getting hard again. Was that even possible that quickly? 

Regardless, my bare cock was now pressed against his bulge desperate for attention again. Still, this was about him now. I wanted to make him feel as good as he had made me.

I started moving my hips slightly as I rubbed our members together, grinding and pushing down on him with my hips. His lips left mine and he stuck his head in the crook of my neck as he moaned into my skin. His hot breath on my skin only gave me encouragement.

I started to get faster thinking he liked it and revelling in the friction I was causing, but he gripped my hips in a deadly hold and made me stop. "Slow. Keep it slow," he whispered into my ear making me restart at the slower rhythm I'd been creating before. His tone made me shiver. We went on like this for a while and I could feel him getting harder and harder against me until he felt as solid as stone.

As amazing as it felt, I had to do more. I slowly extricated myself from his grip and moved back. He lifted his hips up for me as I removed his underwear releasing his cock from their prison. His member sprung out thick and solid calling to me, a vein pulsing at his side. I almost drooled at the sight of him. Was he really mine to play with right now? I'd never ever been with someone as hot, or well as big, as Tristan. I had no idea what he saw in me but now wasn't the time to let my insecurities get ahold.

I wanted to try and tease him like he had done to me and started leaving a trail of kisses down his thigh, but I felt him grab a fistful of my hair and bring my face forward. "Suck," he instructed. I stared up at him to find the commanding glare of his staring back at me. I gulped and nodded and brought my head down to his tip licking. I grabbed the base of his cock with my hands and started pumping as I licked stripes of spit across his member tasting him.

Then I positioned my mouth more directly above him and actually sucked. His cock filled my mouth making me flare out my cheeks and my eyes watered. I pushed my head down as low as I could, realising I would never be able to take him whole, and started bobbing my head. I felt his hand go back to my hair and then the back of my neck, up and down, as he rubbed my skin soothingly, encouragingly. It made me feel good and more relaxed and when I heard him start to breathe harder I knew I was doing a good job.

"Can you go deeper?" his rough voice asked me as I worked him, but I had to pull my mouth off him to respond.

"How deep?" I asked quietly after catching a much needed breath. He was staring down at me with so much lust and it was turning me on. A lot.

"Down to your throat."

I gaped at him. "But you're so big."

He smirked at my comment and leant down to give me a sloppy open mouthed kiss. Could he taste himself on my tongue?

"Even still," he said finally pulling back.

"I've never...umm taken someone that deep before," I admitted. 


"Tristan everyone I've been with had been so..." I didn't know what the right word was. I have a lot of sexual fantasies and desires and yet no one I was with previously had ever really fulfilled them. They were all very safe and not very adventurous. Being with Tristan now already felt so different to my past partners. He was so...demanding but in a good. In a way I've always dreamed of.



"How disappointing," he said making me frown. "For you I mean."

I blushed and looked down at his cock wet from my spit and calling back to me. I wanted to make him cum. I wanted to take him deeper. I wanted to make him feel good and please him.

"I'll...I'll try," I said staring down at it.

"Just do what you can."

"What...what if it's not good though?" I asked feeling insecure.

"My cock is in your mouth darling, what part of that won't be good?" he asked raising and eyebrow like what I'd said was stupid.

I nodded feeling reassured and went back down on him. I started off a little slow to build my confidence back up, licking his length until I put him back in my mouth again. I decided to brace my hands against his thighs and his hand came to the back of my neck. He didn't push my head down on him, just kept his hand there steady like he was reassuring me he was there and everything was fine. I found it helped as I slowly tried to push my head further down.

I found I could actually take him a little deeper than I'd originally thought, but as soon as his tip reached a certain point at the top of my throat I gagged and instinctively pulled my head off. My eyes stung and watered and I gulped down whatever spit was in my mouth.

"That was good," Tristan reassured.

"It was?" I asked looking up through blurry eyes.

"You did very well. Now how about you try again?"

I nodded and calmed myself to go back enjoying his praise. I enjoyed pleasing him. It made me feel really good too and my cock was so hard and desperate for attention but I wanted to focus on Tristan.

I carried on sucking him, taking him down into my throat as much as I could every so often until I gagged and had to start again. Spit was drooling down my mouth and my jaw was so tired but I didn't want to stop or let go of him.

"I'm close," he groaned some time later. I was amazed at how long he could last. I knew if I even remotely touched my own cock I would be spilling onto the bed again in seconds.

I kept him in my mouth working him until I felt his hips buckle and his grip at my neck get tighter. Soon he was cumming into my mouth and I let it fall in my throat where I swallowed.

When he was done, I pulled my mouth off him and collapsed onto his thigh exhausted. I felt him scoop my body up until my head was laying on his chest instead and watched as his hand went to my cock where he fisted it and started pumping.

I gritted my teeth realising how painfully sensitive I was down there, but I remembered what he said about cumming when he he told me to and tried my best to hold back this orgasm too. I gritted my teeth at the feeling and felt my toes curling and my stomach tighten.

"It's okay. You did good. You can cum," he said when a tear slid down my face from how hard I was trying to hold back. Trust me though, I felt great. As soon as he said the words I was spilling myself onto his thick thighs letting out the loudest groan I could muster. And then I just completely collapsed against him, my body going limp.

With the hand holding onto my back he started rubbing my skin in soothing circles as my heart rate came down.

"I did good?" I asked up at him quietly when I could finally speak again, my voice a little hoarse.

"Very good."

I smiled up at his praise grateful that he was holding onto me. It felt like we were cuddling. I guess we were. It was nice. It was really nice to just be close to him like this. I was starting to like Tristan quite a lot and I wanted to do so much more of all of this.

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