Chapter 15

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"What would you like?" Tristan asked as he stood staring at the fridge. His hair was a little wet indicating he must have showered. I tried not to think of him doing so as the wet strands fell into his eyes. Could he at least try to not be so handsome?

"I don't mind," I replied. 

"That's not an answer Leandor," he said. I liked how he always said my actual name, the way his deep voice rolled around the syllables on his tongue. I also appreciated that he didn't try to give me a nickname. I liked him calling me exactly who I was. 

"I mean, I don't know. Whatever you have is fine."

"Tell me what you want." He turned around and crossed his arms waiting for my answer. I never knew what to do in these situations. I hated the thought of inconveniencing people, I mean what if he didn't have what I wanted? "Well?"

"But you might not have everything to make it..."

"Then I will go out and get it so I can make it for you tomorrow at least." I felt that was somewhat, well kind of him. 

"Pancakes?" I asked hopeful. I'd woken up with a sweet tooth this morning and was craving pancakes with golden syrup and fruit.

"See, you get what you want when you simply ask. They're easy to make."

I made sure to thank him and watched as he got to work. It did occur to me that I should ask if he wanted help but he waved me off when I asked. I then offered instead to at least wash up but he also said that was unnecessary. I felt a little bad with him having to do all this work for me. 

"I enjoy having things to do," he said when I voiced my concern. 

I wondered what it was like for a vampire to have so much time. I guess at some point having no responsibilities would start to feel numbing. But then surely not every vampire lived in mansions with nothing to do. How did he even make his money?

"How are you so rich?" I asked as he flipped the pancakes, not even considering that it might be a rude question. 


I didn't bother asking for more details because he was soon placing a full plate of food in front of me and it was all I could think about.

"Do you have any other requests for later?" he asked as I started tucking in. 



"Oh no. Anything's fine," I told him. 

He didn't respond right away and when I looked his eyebrows were furrowed like he was annoyed. "You know, it isn't actually as polite as you think it is to give that response." 

I put my fork down confused. "What?" 

"You place the burden of making decisions on everyone else when you say that you don't mind, or anything is fine. People only have so much energy Leandor. They cannot always think for themselves and for you. I'm sure you're saying that because you don't want to inconvenience me but I don't know everything that you like and don't like and I don't actually want to make these decisions for you. I enjoy cooking, I enjoy cooking for others especially, but I don't wish to cook you something you didn't want simply because you didn't tell me. That would also be a waste of my time," he explained.

I'd never thought of it like that before. I always thought it was easier to let others make the decision. It wasn't that I didn't have preferences but I always thought that if I left it up to other people to decide then they'd be happy for getting what they want and I wouldn't have had to inconvenience anyone. I didn't realise that not expressing my preferences would actually be inconveniencing people anyway. 

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