Chapter 12

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Serafina had been Tristan's pet? 

Not that I minded...exactly. 

He was old and I already knew there were plenty before me, not to mention the fact that I wasn't even really his pet. Though it did make me wonder what being a pet fully involved. Was it just about blood or was it a sexual relationship or maybe both. 

"So...Are you going to introduce us Tristan?" she asked pointedly, making it clear she wasn't going anywhere until it happened. 

"Leandor, Serafina. Serafina, Leandor," Tristan said giving in. 

"Leandor. Thats close to Lendro meaning lion of man. Were your parents intending something similar?" she asked sweetly. 

"I doubt it..." I was certainly no lion of man, that was for sure. 


"What are you doing here?" Tristan asked curtly. "I doubt Fen invited you."

"No, but we heard about your party and thought now would be a good time to come see you," She replied. She wore a deep red mini dress with a lace outer layer covered in diamonds, real or not I didn't know but they caught the light as she turned her body, nodding to the group of people standing nearby staring right back at us. "Old gang's all back together." 

When I looked at him, Tristan had his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he stared at them. I was starting to realise that staring wasn't really considered rude in vampire culture, it may even be a requirement. 

"What are you all doing here?"

"We need to talk. Something's happened. Notice how one of us is missing," Serafina replied. 

"Demetra," Tristan whispered. "Where is she?" 

"That's what we have to talk about. But uh we should go somewhere more private," she said regarding me. Clearly I wasn't allowed to hear this conversation too. 

Tristan looked down to me with a frown like he was contemplating what to do. 

"Watch him for a moment," he said to Serafina, disappearing before I could even protest. I thought I was to stay by his side, but he'd left me alone with a bunch of strange vampires. 

"So, how are you enjoying being his little pet?" she asked turning to me with a smile. I still couldn't figure out her angle. Was her smile genuine or was she pretending to be sweet. 

"Umm... uh okay I guess..." 

"It's okay to hate it you know. I wouldn't blame you if you did. We all do in the beginning at least. Tristan treats his pets better than most, however. All he wants is blood, he won't take anything else from you that you don't freely give," she said. 

"What are other 'masters' like then?" I asked curious. 

"Others can be...cruel. They like to take much more than just blood. I had another before Tristan," she said then chuckled. "I was traded, like cattle. My old master gave me to Tristan in exchange for some land, some 200 years ago. Tristan can have his moments but I couldn't believe the difference in how I was treated, eventually we even became something akin to friends. He turned me you know."

It was a good sign that he treated his pets well. Even if I wasn't one, I was still living in under his roof and under his care. And I did get it, he was a vampire and he wasn't necessarily a good person, but he was not without good at all. That was important I felt. 

"I see. Thank you for telling me. I think." Before I could say anything else Tristan had returned with Fenrir in tow. 

I didn't have even a second to speak with him, however, as Fenrir was promptly thrown on the settee beside me. 

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