Chapter 7

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Tristan hadn't bothered to go answer the door and it seems I knew why. His new visitor seemed to have just let himself in. It was definitely a male voice that I heard sauntering through the corridor.

"Who's that?" I asked, though I was soon to find out when I felt a sudden presence behind me and then a hand on my shoulder twisting me about in my stool. 

Oh great. Another beautiful man that likes to manhandle me. 

"Ahhh. How you found yourself a new little pet Tristan," the man asked. 

"Who are you?" I asked. Again, too curious for my own good. 

"And a chatty one at that," the man said. This one was blonde, his hair wavy and to his shoulders. He was shorter than Tristan but not by much, though his build made him look taller as he was on the skinnier side. "My name is Fenrir little one."

"Okay, that's enough," Tristan demanded making his way over and removing Fenrir's hand from my shoulder. "You know better than to touch what isn't yours." 

"Friends share Tristy," Fenrir complained. 

"And do not call me that," Tristan added, though he didn't deny the part about them being friends. 

"Ironic name," I mumbled under my breath. I need to stop forgetting that they can hear me no matter how quiet I think I'm being. 

"What's so ironic?" Fenrir asked.

"Leandor. Don't provoke him," Tristan said. 

But Fenrir had already heard me and I couldn't think of a fast enough lie so I decided to stay quiet. 

"Speak," Fenrir demanded. 

"Ignore him," Tristan said. 

I really did try to do just that, except I really couldn't help myself either.

"It's just that-" I heard a sigh come from Tristan. "Well... doesn't Fenrir refer to a wolf." 

"Yes," Fenrir said through gritted teeth. 

'You're a vampire..." 

"Your pet seems to think he is a comedian. I think you should return him for one that speaks less," Fenrir suggested to Tristan. I wasn't going to complain if Tristan listened to his friend and let me go, though I doubted I would be returned...alive. 

"I like one that actually speaks. It's not his fault you're easily offended," Tristan said. 

"Offended? No I'm just sensitive," Fenrir said bringing his hand to his chest over his heart. "Though I am also forgiving, and my forgiveness comes easier with a bit of spared blood." His gaze was aimed at me as he spoke and I inched closer in my seat toward Tristan. He had already taken my blood and I'd have preferred if I kept to feeding only one vampire if I was going to be stuck in this situation. Being bitten felt kind of...intimate in a way. 

"I don't share," Tristan reiterated. "You know where to find the blood bags however." 

Blood bags? I did not want to see that room. 

"Ugh, fine. That will have to do." Fenrir disappeared then, probably to satisfy his thirst and I took my opportunity to ask Tristan more questions. 

"Are werewolves real?" I asked. 




"Anything else?"

"Mermaids, though they keep to themselves in the sea." 

"Wait, really?" Mermaids?

"No, I'm kidding." 

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