Chapter 11

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I spent hours passing time in the music room after having been left alone again. It was starting to get a bit frustrating. Maybe I would have revelled in being alone before when Tristan was still my kidnapper but now that I knew he didn't necessarily have sinister intentions with me, it was difficult to not want company. It was strange being in this big house all alone.

Eventually I ventured back to my room and thought I'd get ready for the party. It was getting late and I figured I may as well waste time with a long bath and some pampering. Of course it was when I was in the bath that Tristan decided to show his face again.

"Tristan! You have got to stop walking in on me naked," I said going to cover myself under the water again.

"It's my house."

"So what?" I replied annoyed. Although it really wasn't his intrusion I was even annoyed about.

"Get dressed. Most of them won't show up until later but some of them will start trickling in," he said.

I waited pointedly for him to leave before I got out and put on the outfit I'd laid out. Once I was done I found Tristan out in the corridor.

"Remember, we have a part to play in front of others," he whispered in my ear as I came up beside him. He placed his hand at the small of my back and guided me forward. I blushed at his touch, heat crawling up my cheeks. 

He took me to the parlour where he took a seat on a vintage settee and before I could sit down next to him, he'd grabbed me and placed me right on his lap.

"Tristan," I moaned annoyed and embarrassed. 

"I do like it when you say my name like that," he said his fingers going to play with my hair. I used to dye it fun colours but now it was back to it's natural dull brown colour.  

I looked away from him, sure that my face was bright red, and tried to get off him but his grip on me was iron. 

"Let me go," I hissed. 

"You're meant to be my pet, remember," he whispered in my ear. 

"And all pets have to sit on your lap?" I questioned.

"Mine usually do. It would be suspicious if you were anywhere else." Was he being serious? I tried getting off his lap again but no amount of squirming managed to get me anywhere so eventually I gave up and folded my hands at least turning my head away from him. 

Of course he just grabbed my chin and forced me to turn back to him, his eyes staring deeply into my own. "Relax Leandor. Surely my lap isn't that uncomfortable."

"This just seems a bit unnecessary."

"Perhaps, but I make my claim on you clear this way. They will understand, seeing us like this, that you are mine even if they're not entirely sure how. That alone will prevent many of them from trying to mess with you." 

"Shouldn't you be greeting them at the door or something?" I asked, his hands having finally loosened their grip, except I didn't make any move to get off him now. I supposed there were worse places to sit. He leant over and grabbed a bottle of scotch from the side table and didn't even bother to pour it in a glass before he drank. 

"No. Fen can deal with all that. it's not my problem. I'm only here to make sure no one breaks anything too expensive." 

Then he offered it to me and I took it tentatively giving it a sniff. I'd never had scotch before. When I took back a sip it burned my throat and I ended up coughing. 

"Fuck me, that's-"

"-if you insist," Tristan said interrupting with that bastardly smirk on his lips.

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