Chapter 18

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"And just like that, the little boy gets tired of playing with his toys," Serafina said coming to stand beside us as I turned around. I was feeling a little light headed and had to lean on Tristan for support.

"Bastard," he said under his breath. "Are you okay?" he asked me.

I nodded confused. "I think so? What happened? It started to hurt."

"The toxins are released in small bursts so if the same teeth stay in the same part of you too long then the pleasant sensations start to be replaced by pain. That's why you see them often retract their fangs before biting somewhere else a moment later," he said nodding over to where some humans stood being feasted on. More catering. Though there were also bottles and glasses of blood littered throughout. I suppose some people just enjoy taking it straight from the vein.

"He did it on purpose," Tristan said.

"Why?" I asked.

"For fun," Serafina replied instead.

"The blood I gave you earlier, when I drank from you, it should heal you quicker than if you were without it, but it is still slow at speeding up your body's ability to replenish your blood. You will feel light headed for a while longer. Let's sit down," Tristan encouraged, but I didn't want to be here anymore, not in this room anyway. I was feeling uncomfortable and I swear there were more vamps looking at me now. I was worried they wanted my blood too.

" there somewhere we can sit outside?" I asked.

Tristan nodded, still holding onto me for which I was grateful. "Come."

We said goodbye to Serafina and Tristan took me outside to the garden. There were stone pathways and arches and he guided me gently to a bench nearby where I could sit. It was a relief to not stand anymore. I did feel slightly better than I had moments ago but not by much. At least there was some sign that Tristan's blood was healing me, my own blood replenishing, but with some time now drinking his blood I was unused to feeling unwell.

Tristan turned me to him slowly, his hand going to my neck and inspecting my skin as he often did after taking a bite himself. It was like he had to make sure I had healed, that my skin lay smooth and unharmed.

"I'm okay," I told him quietly.

"You offered yourself to him. That's why he took more. Probably," Tristan said looking into my eyes with that deep stare of his.

"Well, you were about to do something you shouldn't have, weren't you?"

He let go off me and sat back on the bench staring out at the gardens. It was dark in the night but there were lights strewn about that lit up the place well enough. I'm sure it was beautiful in the daylight with the sun shining on the rose bushes.

"You're the one who told me that trying to stop him would be a bad idea," I added.

"I know that," he said seething but I didn't think he was angry with me.

"I couldn't let you do anything to make him angry. Forget about me, he would have hurt you too then."

Tristan looked fine in his suit. His suit was all black, shirt and tie included, with the exception of a blood red pocket sleeve in his blazer. He looked rather dashing, especially in the quiet lighting of this beautiful garden. I did not want to see his blood spilled tonight. Mine was enough.

"You are terribly annoying," he said at last.

"I am?"

"You make me want to make stupid decisions. Forget my rules, I should have just killed you that night I met you. I would have saved us all some misery."

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