Chapter 32 - 18+

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"You doing okay?" Tristan asked me later that evening. We'd come home and I'd spent a very long time in the shower trying to wash myself clean of the death. In some ways I felt good because his blood had revived me, but in other ways I felt very guilty. At least I knew he had been a bad man, that did assuage the guilt somewhat.

After towelling off, I'd stared at my reflection in the mirror for some time. I did this often now. I still wasn't used to the face staring back at me. For anyone who knew me before, they would assume I just had some kind of glow up without being able to tell what had changed. Maybe some would even think that I'd had a little work done. For me though, sometimes I felt like I was staring at a whole other person in that mirror. Sometimes I didn't recognise myself and it scared me. What else about me would change with time? Give it a century and I might be a completely different person to who I was now, with only my looks staying the same.

When I was finally able to extricate myself away from the mirror I got dressed and wandered out into the bedroom. Tristan and I still shared a bed every night and I often sought solace in his arms. I hardly needed to sleep anymore, mostly only finding myself needing a nap every few days which I usually did during daylight, so most of the time Tristan and I just cuddled. It had been some time since we had been more intimate than that. Truth be told I hadn't exactly been in the mood for it. It was hard to feel horny when I was mostly depressed.

I was starting to feel that depression leave however. Tristan had said I had a good start to controlling my blood lust today. I hadn't drained the man completely of his blood so that was something. It gave me even the tiniest bit of hope which I was holding onto very dearly.

"Yeah. I'm okay," I replied joining Tristan at the balcony. It was still dark and the moon was heavy and bright in the sky. It looked particularly big tonight and Tristan had been staring at it intently.

"Good. That's good."

"Moon's big," I commented trying to make conversation.

"Yes, the wolves will be particularly active tonight too. It's almost a full moon."

"Do they actually turn into their wolves and howl at it?" I asked amused.

"To be honest, yes. They can shift whenever they like but the full moon puts them into a particular kind of frenzy."

"Will I ever meet one? A werewolf?"

I felt him put his arm around my waist and pull me to him. "You've got a long life ahead of you. You will inevitably meet them, yes."

A long life indeed...

"I'm glad...I'm glad that I at least get to spend it with you," I said looking up at him. He caught me in his gaze, already watching me.

"Are you? Truly?"

I nodded. "I love you Tristan. I know I haven't been my best recently, but...I really do love you."

Tristan sighed as if in relief and brought his forehead down to rest against my own.

"I love you too, Leandor."

"I know," I whispered leaning up to kiss him.

Tristan pushed me back against the balcony and deepened the kiss, his hands wandering down to my waist, kissing my neck until he got down on his knees.

"How about I just take care of you tonight, hmm?" he asked staring up at me. He looked so handsome down there with the moonlight on him.

I nodded. Suddenly all I wanted, all I could think of, was being with Tristan as wholly as I could be.

He pulled down my joggers and my underwear until my member sprung out in front of him. I hadn't even realised I'd gotten hard. He pumped me with his fist for a few strokes until he put me in his mouth and took me deep. My knuckles turned red from the deathly grip I had on the balcony's edge. I tilted my head back in satisfaction moaning to the rhythm of his mouth on me, working me so effortlessly.

I looked down unsatisfied when he pulled off me. "Shall I take you to bed?" he asked staring up at me.

I shook my head no. "Just take me right here. Please?" I was too eager to go anywhere else, I had to have him right here and right now.

"Well, since you said please," he said with a smirk standing up. He tilted my chin up to kiss him before he swiftly turned me around, pushing my back so that I was leaning over the balcony edge with my ass thrust out in front of him. Before staring down at the floor from this height would have scared me but I felt pretty fearless right now. All I wanted was for Tristan to touch me.

I felt Tristan disappear but for a mere second and then there was something wet and cold being poured onto my hole. Lube. Then I felt him stick a finger in making me moan and inch back into him. His other hand held me steady at the hips while he pushed into me, soon adding another finger then a third. I didn't care that I was out in the open, I could barely contain my moans.

"Tristan," I moaned. "Need you. Please."

He didn't say anything but I heard his zipper get undone and then his tip pressing against me, pushing its way past my skin until he was all the way inside. I groaned and my legs wobbled barely able to hold myself up.

He started off slow in his thrusts, both hands on my hips, and then as he got faster one hand went to my hair and pulled. His rhythm was explosive and violent and I soon came to the realisation that he'd been holding back before when I was human.

The whole time, I'd been holding onto the balcony's edge but with one hand I reached down to touch myself. Part of me wondered if Tristan would try to stop me, but he didn't. So I fisted myself in my hand as he worked himself inside me, pumping to the rhythm he set.

"Mmm, close," I whispered knowing he would hear me.

"Me too. Together."

A few seconds later I felt him release himself inside of me and I came too, straight into my hand.

When we were done, Tristan collapsed on top of me for a moment and held me to him before turning me around and brandishing me with a kiss. Then he swiftly picked me up and carried me to our bed where he cleaned me up before taking care of himself. By the time he was back I was already horny again.

I didn't care about the fact that we had just gotten clean, I pounced on him. To be honest I was surprised to see that he let me climb on top of him. He liked being the more dominant one, but he didn't stop me as I took him into my mouth and then found myself riding on top of him, grinding my hips back into him. It was actually kind of a lot of work and I found myself regretting trying to take charge a little bit. Luckily, Tristan could see I was losing momentum so he soon sat up, sinking himself deep inside me and then started thrusting his hips up into me taking over the work.

My head collapsed on his shoulder, my hands pulling at his hair as I moaned and felt him release inside me once again.

I probably could have gone all night. Being a vampire meant that I didn't get tired nearly so easily and any aches or pains were soon healed over and my desire came back for him tenfold.

"I feel like I could go all night," I said, voicing my thoughts, a little breathless as I laid on Tristan's chest from our most recent bout of love making.

He chuckled. "I know. I could too. But you know what the best part really is?"

"What?" I asked staring up at him.

"The cuddling after," he said leaning down and teasing me with a kiss. I smiled as he pulled away and laid my head back on his chest, letting my hands absentmindedly explore his abs.

"That's really the best part to you?" I asked.


"More so than sex?"

"Just in a different way. A more quiet way. It's nice with the right person."

"Like me?" I asked smiling.

"Yes. Like you."

"I love you," I told him again.

"I love you."

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