Broken arm? - Evan Buckley

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Lily Buckley - 7

Evan "Buck" Buckley glanced at his phone, reading the message from the babysitter for the third time. Mrs. Hernandez had come down with a nasty flu, and she wouldn't be able to watch his seven-year-old daughter, Lily, today. Buck rubbed his temples, trying to figure out a solution. He had to be at the fire station for his shift, and it was too late to find another sitter.

"Looks like you're coming to work with me today, kiddo," Buck said, looking over at Lily, who was still in her pajamas, her bright eyes watching a cartoon on the TV.

Lily's face lit up. "Really? I get to see the fire trucks?"

Buck chuckled. "Yeah, you do. But you have to promise to stay out of trouble, okay?"

Lily nodded enthusiastically. "I promise, Daddy!"

Buck quickly got her dressed and packed a bag with snacks, coloring books, and her favorite stuffed animal, Mr. Whiskers. They headed out the door and arrived at the fire station a short while later. The familiar hustle and bustle of the station greeted them, and several firefighters waved and smiled at Lily as she clung to Buck's hand.

"Hey, Buckaroo!" Chimney called out, approaching them with a grin. "And who's this little lady?"

"This is my daughter, Lily," Buck introduced, ruffling her hair. "Her babysitter is sick, so she's spending the day with us."

Chimney crouched down to Lily's level. "Nice to meet you, Lily. You like fire trucks?"

Lily nodded shyly, peeking out from behind Buck's leg.

"Well, you're in for a treat then," Chimney said with a wink. "We've got the best fire trucks in the whole city."

Buck set Lily up in the common area with her coloring books and snacks, reminding her again to stay out of trouble. The morning passed uneventfully, with Buck checking in on her frequently between tasks. Lily colored happily, occasionally chatting with the other firefighters who stopped by to say hello.

Around midday, Buck was called into a meeting with Captain Bobby Nash. "You think Lily will be okay for a few minutes?" Bobby asked, glancing toward the common area.

"Yeah, she's got plenty to keep her occupied," Buck assured him. "I'll be quick."

As Buck joined Bobby in his office, Lily continued coloring. Her stomach rumbled, and she remembered the bag of snacks her dad had packed. She pulled out a granola bar and munched on it, her eyes wandering around the room. That's when she spotted the jar of candy on the counter near the kitchen.

Lily's eyes widened in delight. She loved candy, but her dad didn't let her have it often. She looked around to make sure no one was watching and then made her way over to the counter. The jar was just out of reach, even when she stretched up on her tiptoes. Determined, she spotted a chair nearby and decided to use it to get higher.

She dragged the chair over and climbed onto it, her little hands gripping the counter for balance. She was almost there, her fingers brushing the edge of the jar, when the chair wobbled. Before she could react, the chair tipped over, and Lily fell to the floor with a cry.

The loud thud and Lily's scream brought everyone running. Buck was the first to reach her with Eddie close behind, his heart pounding. "Lily!" Buck exclaimed, kneeling beside her. "Are you okay?"

Lily clutched her arm, tears streaming down her face. "It hurts, Daddy," she sobbed as she used her better arm to grip his hand in fear.

Buck's training kicked in as he assessed the situation. Her arm was already starting to swell, and he could tell it was broken. "It's okay, sweetheart. We're going to take care of you."

Chimney and Hen arrived on the scene, their expressions turning serious as they saw Lily's injury. "We've got this, Buck," Hen said gently. "Let's get her stabilized and then we'll head to the hospital."

Buck nodded, trying to stay calm for Lily's sake. He watched as Hen and Chimney expertly splinted Lily's arm, their movements quick and efficient. "It's going to be okay, Lily," Chimney said soothingly. "We're just going to make sure your arm stays still so it can heal."

Lily winced as they worked, but she held still, trusting the familiar faces around her. Buck stayed by her side, holding her uninjured hand and murmuring words of comfort.

Once her arm was stabilized, Buck carefully picked her up and carried her to the ambulance. Eddie followed behind carrying her bear and passed it to her just as they got in the ambulance. Buck climbed in with her, his protective instincts in overdrive. "You're going to be just fine, kiddo," he said, brushing a tear from her cheek.


At the hospital, the doctors confirmed what Buck already knew: Lily's arm was broken. They set the bone and put her arm in a bright pink cast, much to Lily's delight. "Pink is my favorite color," she told the nurse, who smiled and handed her a sticker for being so brave.

Buck stayed close to Lily, his heart aching for her pain but also swelling with pride at how brave she had been. Once they were back at the fire station, the firefighters gathered around to see how Lily was doing.

"You're a real trooper, Lily," Bobby said, giving her a gentle pat on the shoulder. "And that cast looks pretty cool."

Lily smiled shyly, holding up her arm. "Daddy says I was very brave."

"You were," Hen agreed, handing Lily a lollipop. "And I think you deserve a treat for being so tough."

As the day wound down, Buck sat with Lily in the common area, her head resting on his shoulder. "I'm sorry I tried to get the candy," she said softly.

Buck kissed the top of her head. "It's okay, Lily. I'm just glad you're all right. But from now on, let's ask for help, okay?"

Lily nodded, her eyes heavy with sleep. "Okay, Daddy."

Buck held her close, his heart full. Despite the scare, he was grateful for the love and support of his firefighting family. They had come through for him and Lily when it mattered most, and he knew he could always count on them.

As Lily drifted off to sleep, Buck whispered, "I love you, Lily. You're my brave girl."

With Lily safe and sound in his arms, Buck felt a deep sense of peace. No matter what challenges came their way, he knew they could face them together, as a family.

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