Sick - Maddie and Chimney

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Grace Han -4

Maddie Buckley and Howard "Chimney" Han had always been hands-on parents. Their 4-year-old daughter, Grace, was the light of their lives, a bundle of joy and energy that brought smiles even on the toughest days. However, tonight was proving to be one of the more challenging nights.


It was around midnight when Chimney heard the first soft whimper. He stirred in bed, his instincts kicking in immediately. Beside him, Maddie was still asleep, exhausted from her long shift at the call center. He gently nudged her.

"Maddie, I think Grace is awake," he whispered.

Maddie groaned softly, half-asleep. "Can you check on her? I'm so tired," she mumbled, pulling the covers tighter around her.

"Of course," Chimney replied, slipping out of bed and making his way to Grace's room.

He found his daughter sitting up in her bed, clutching her stuffed bunny, her cheeks flushed and her eyes watery.

"Daddy, my tummy hurts," Grace whimpered.

Chimney's heart ached at the sight of her discomfort. He sat down on the edge of her bed, placing a hand on her forehead. She was warm, too warm.

"It's okay, sweetheart. Daddy's here," he said soothingly, brushing her hair back from her face. "Let's get you some water, okay?"

He lifted her gently and carried her to the kitchen, where he filled a cup with cool water. Grace took a few sips, but it was clear that she was still feeling very unwell.

"Daddy, I feel sick," she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

Chimney's concern grew. "Okay, baby, let's go to the bathroom, just in case."

Sure enough, a few minutes later, Grace was sick. Chimney held her hair back and rubbed her back, whispering comforting words. Afterward, he cleaned her up and changed her into fresh pajamas before taking her back to her room.

By now, Maddie had woken up and joined them, her eyes filled with worry. "How is she?" she asked, kneeling beside Grace's bed.

"She's running a fever and threw up," Chimney replied softly, sitting beside his wife. "We should keep an eye on her tonight."

Maddie nodded, her heart aching for their little girl. They took turns sitting with Grace, soothing her whenever she woke up crying. It was a long, sleepless night for all of them.


The next morning, Grace was still unwell. Her fever had gone down slightly, but she was too weak and tired to go to preschool. Maddie had to go to work, and Chimney's shift at the firehouse couldn't be postponed.

"I can take her to the firehouse with me," Chimney suggested, cradling Grace in his arms.

Maddie hesitated. "Are you sure? What if there's an emergency?"

"We'll figure it out. The guys will understand," Chimney reassured her. "Besides, we can't leave her here alone."

Maddie sighed, nodding in agreement. "Okay. Just make sure she rests."

Chimney kissed her forehead. "I will."

He bundled Grace up in a cozy blanket and carried her to the car, securing her in her car seat. Grace clung to her bunny, looking pale and exhausted.

"Daddy, I don't feel good," she murmured.

"I know, sweetheart. We're going to the firehouse. You'll be with me and Uncle Buck," Chimney said, trying to comfort her.

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