Kidnapped - Evan Buckley

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Estella Buckley - 9

Evan "Buck" Buckley had always prided himself on being a good father. His daughter, Estella, was the light of his life, a vibrant and curious 9-year-old with an infectious laugh that could brighten even the darkest of days. It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, and Buck had planned a fun-filled day at the park with Estella. Little did he know, this day would take a terrifying turn that would test every ounce of his strength and resolve.

Buck woke up early, as he did every day, to prepare breakfast for Estella. He loved these quiet moments before the chaos of the day began. Estella, with her wild curls and sparkling eyes, bounded down the stairs, full of energy and excitement.

"Morning, Daddy!" she exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

"Morning, princess. Ready for our day at the park?" Buck asked, ruffling her hair affectionately.

"Absolutely! Can we get ice cream, too?" Estella asked, her eyes pleading.

"Of course! But only if you promise to eat all your breakfast first," Buck said, setting a plate of pancakes in front of her.

"Deal!" Estella said, diving into her breakfast with gusto.


The park was bustling with activity. Families were scattered across the grass, kids were playing on the playground, and dogs were running around, chasing balls and each other. Buck and Estella found a spot near the playground, and Buck settled down on a bench to keep an eye on her while she played.

Estella ran off to join a group of kids playing tag. Buck watched her with a smile, feeling a surge of pride and love. She was his everything, and he cherished these moments of pure, unadulterated joy.

After a while, Estella ran back to him, her cheeks flushed from running. "Daddy, can I go get some water from the fountain?" she asked, pointing to a fountain a little distance away.

"Sure thing, but stay where I can see you," Buck replied, his protective instincts kicking in.

Estella nodded and ran off towards the fountain. Buck kept his eyes on her, but just as she reached the fountain, he was momentarily distracted by a couple arguing nearby. When he looked back, Estella was gone.

Panic surged through Buck. He jumped up from the bench and ran to the fountain, calling her name. "Estella! Estella, where are you?"

Buck searched the entire park, asking anyone and everyone if they had seen a little girl with curly hair and a red dress. The minutes felt like hours, and the fear in his heart grew with every passing second.

"Daddy!" a little boy called out, tugging on his father's sleeve. "I saw a man with a girl in a red dress. They went that way."

Buck's heart pounded in his chest. "Which way, buddy? Which way did they go?"

The boy pointed towards the parking lot. Buck didn't waste a second. He sprinted towards the parking lot, hoping against hope that he would find her.

The parking lot was crowded, and Buck scanned the area frantically. He spotted a man leading a little girl towards a van. The girl was struggling, and Buck's blood ran cold when he realized it was Estella.

"Hey! Let her go!" Buck shouted, running towards them.

The man looked up, startled, and tightened his grip on Estella. "Daddy!" Estella cried, reaching out for Buck.

The man shoved Estella into the van and jumped in after her, slamming the door shut. Buck reached the van just as it started to pull away. He pounded on the windows, screaming for help, but the van sped off, leaving him standing there, breathless and terrified.

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