First shift at the 118 - Bobby Nash.

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Mia Nash - 21

Bobby Nash stood in front of the bathroom mirror, meticulously straightening his uniform for what felt like the hundredth time that morning. He glanced at his reflection, then down the hallway where the door to his daughter's room was still closed. Today was a significant day for the Nash family: his 21-year-old daughter, Mia, was starting her first shift at the 118.

Mia had been determined to follow in her father's footsteps ever since she was a little girl. From her early days of playing with toy fire trucks to studying fire science in college, she had worked tirelessly to make this dream a reality. And now, after completing the rigorous training program, she was finally ready.

Bobby's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Mia's door opening. She stepped out in her brand new firefighter uniform, looking both proud and a little nervous. Her long hair was neatly tied back, and her eyes shone with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

"You look great," Bobby said, smiling warmly at her. "Ready for your first day?"

Mia took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah, I think so. I mean, I've been waiting for this moment forever, but now that it's here..."

"It's normal to feel nervous," Bobby reassured her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Just remember, you've trained hard for this. Trust in your skills and your team."

Mia smiled, grateful for her father's steady presence. "Thanks, Dad. I'll do my best."

As they headed out to the car, Bobby couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. He had always known this day would come, but seeing Mia in her uniform made it all feel real. They drove to the station in comfortable silence, both lost in their own thoughts.

When they arrived at Station 118, the familiar sight of the red trucks and the bustling activity of the crew greeted them. Mia felt a surge of nerves but quickly pushed them aside. This was where she belonged.

The rest of the team was already gathered in the common area, and Bobby introduced Mia to everyone. Hen, Chimney, Eddie, and Buck all welcomed her warmly, each offering their own words of encouragement.

"Welcome to the team, Mia," Hen said with a smile. "You're going to do great."

"Yeah, just stick with us, and you'll be fine," Chimney added, clapping her on the back.

Mia felt her nerves start to ease with the camaraderie and support of her new team. She knew that the 118 was more than just a crew; they were a family, and she was now a part of it.

The day started with the usual routine of equipment checks and station duties. Bobby kept a watchful eye on Mia, not as a supervisor, but as a concerned father. He knew she was more than capable, but he couldn't help feeling protective.

As they were finishing up the morning checks, the alarm sounded. Mia's heart leaped into her throat as the crew sprang into action. It was her first real call, and she was determined to prove herself.

"Let's move, people!" Bobby called, his authoritative voice cutting through the chaos. Mia followed closely, her training kicking in as she donned her gear and climbed into the engine.

The ride to the scene was tense. Mia focused on steadying her breath, going over everything she had learned. She glanced at her father, who gave her a reassuring nod. "You've got this," he mouthed.

The call was a house fire in a residential neighborhood. As they arrived, thick black smoke billowed from the windows. Bobby quickly assigned roles, and Mia was paired with Eddie to search for any trapped occupants.

They moved swiftly through the smoke-filled house, calling out as they checked each room. Mia's heart pounded in her chest, but she kept her focus. In the living room, they found an elderly woman unconscious on the floor.

"Got one!" Eddie shouted, and together they carefully carried the woman out to safety. The paramedics took over, and Mia felt a rush of relief knowing they had saved a life.

Back at the station, there was a sense of satisfaction among the crew. Bobby watched as Mia interacted with her new colleagues, her confidence growing with each passing moment. He couldn't have been prouder.

As the day went on, Mia settled into her role, handling each task with determination. The crew was impressed by her skills and dedication, and she quickly earned their respect.

Later that evening, after a busy shift, the crew gathered in the common room to unwind. Chimney had ordered pizza, and Buck was recounting a humorous call they had a few weeks ago. Mia listened, laughing along with everyone else, feeling like she truly belonged.

"Hey, Mia," Hen called from the kitchen. "Want to help me with these?"

Mia joined Hen in the kitchen, where they were preparing coffee and snacks for the crew. "So, how's your first day going?" Hen asked, a knowing smile on her face.

"It's been incredible," Mia admitted. "I was so nervous this morning, but now... I just feel like this is where I'm meant to be."

Hen nodded. "You're doing great. And don't worry, everyone gets nervous on their first day. The important thing is that you handled it well. You've got a good head on your shoulders, just like your dad."

Mia felt a swell of pride at the compliment. "Thanks, Hen. That means a lot."

As they rejoined the crew, Bobby watched his daughter with a sense of fulfillment. Seeing Mia integrate so seamlessly with the team reassured him that she was on the right path.

The rest of the evening was filled with laughter and camaraderie. Mia felt like she was truly part of the 118 family, and she couldn't wait to see what the future held.

After dinner, Bobby found a quiet moment to talk with Mia. They stepped outside into the cool night air, the sounds of the city a distant hum.

"I'm proud of you, Mia," Bobby said, his voice filled with emotion. "You handled everything today like a pro."

Mia smiled, her eyes shining. "Thanks, Dad. I couldn't have done it without your support. You've always been my inspiration."

Bobby pulled her into a hug, feeling a deep sense of pride and love for his daughter. "You're going to do great things here, Mia. I know it."

As they stood there, father and daughter, under the stars, Mia felt a sense of contentment and purpose. She knew there would be challenges ahead, but with her father and the 118 by her side, she was ready for anything.

The next morning, as the crew gathered for another day of service, Mia felt a renewed sense of excitement. She was no longer the nervous rookie; she was part of the team, ready to face whatever came their way.

Bobby watched her with a smile, knowing that this was just the beginning of her journey. As they geared up for their first call of the day, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of pride and optimism for the future.

And so, with the sirens blaring and the engine roaring to life, Mia Nash embarked on her career as a firefighter, ready to make her mark on the world and carry on the legacy of service and bravery that her father had started.

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