Scared - Chimney

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Ivy Han - 5

Chimney stood by the front door, adjusting the strap of his gear bag over his shoulder. The morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow in the hallway. As he double-checked the contents of his bag, he heard the soft patter of footsteps approaching. He looked up to see his five-year-old daughter, Ivy, standing at the edge of the hallway, her big brown eyes filled with worry.

"Daddy, do you have to go to work today?" Ivy asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Chimney knelt down, setting his bag aside for a moment. "Hey, sweetheart," he said gently, opening his arms for a hug. Ivy immediately ran into his embrace, clinging to him tightly. "What's wrong, Ivy?"

"I don't want you to go," she whispered, her face buried in his shoulder. "I'm scared you'll get hurt."

Chimney's heart ached at the fear in his daughter's voice. He held her close, rubbing her back soothingly. "Oh, Ivy, I understand why you're scared. But you know what? Daddy has a very important job, and I promise I do everything I can to stay safe."

Ivy pulled back slightly, looking up at him with tears in her eyes. "But what if something bad happens?"

Chimney wiped away her tears with his thumb. "I have a great team who always watches out for me. And I'm really good at my job, Ivy. Just like you take care of your toys and make sure they're safe, I take care of people and make sure I'm safe too."

Ivy sniffled, considering his words. "But... what if you need help?"

Chimney smiled reassuringly. "Then I have friends like Buck, Eddie, and Hen to help me. We're a team, just like you and me. And you know what else? I carry you and Mommy in my heart wherever I go. Thinking about you keeps me strong and careful."

Ivy nodded slowly, her grip on him loosening just a little. "Okay, Daddy. But promise you'll come back home?"

Chimney held up his pinky finger. "I promise, Ivy. Pinky swear." They linked pinkies, and Chimney gave her a reassuring smile. "Now, how about you help me get ready? I think I need one more kiss for good luck."

Ivy giggled, leaning in to plant a big kiss on his cheek. "There, now you're all ready."

Chimney stood up, feeling lighter now that Ivy seemed more at ease. "Thank you, Ivy. That kiss is going to keep me safe all day."

Maddie, Chimney's wife, entered the hallway, having overheard their conversation. "Ivy, how about we make Daddy's favorite breakfast before he leaves? That way he can go to work with a full belly and lots of energy."

Ivy's eyes lit up. "Yes! Pancakes!"

Chimney chuckled, feeling grateful for Maddie's support. "That sounds perfect. Let's go make some pancakes."

The three of them headed to the kitchen, where Maddie set out the ingredients. Ivy stood on a stool, helping to mix the batter while Chimney cooked the pancakes on the griddle. The kitchen was filled with the delicious smell of cooking pancakes and the sound of Ivy's giggles.

As they sat down to eat, Chimney watched his daughter, her earlier fears replaced by the joy of spending time with her parents. He knew that being a firefighter came with risks, but moments like these made it all worthwhile. He would do everything in his power to keep his promise to Ivy.

After breakfast, it was time for Chimney to leave for the station. Ivy followed him to the door, holding his hand tightly. "Be safe, Daddy," she said, her voice a mix of strength and lingering worry.

"I will, Ivy. And I'll be thinking about you the whole time," Chimney replied, giving her one last hug. "I love you."

"I love you too, Daddy," Ivy said, her grip on him finally loosening.

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