Andrew "Drew" Michaels

189 29 49


The closer Gail got to her due date, the tighter I kept a rein on things. I put two men outside our house around the clock and rotated them to give them a break. Ryan and I devised a phone application called the Dylan app. It would alert our phones if there were an emergency. I installed it on Gail's phone to alert me if she entered labor while I was at work.

I also checked the hospital's security to ensure no threats or issues. I had a medical team on call when Gail went into labor. I planned everything down to the detail except for one slight problem. Gail didn't inform me she had gone into labor.

I finished my shift at the casino and arrived home to hear Gail screaming upstairs. I rushed upstairs, ready to take out the threat. I burst into the bedrock with my gun drawn as Gail screamed. I checked the room before setting my weapon down.

"What the hell, Hunter?" Gail screamed.

"What the hell? I thought someone was attacking you!" I checked Gail to ensure no one hurt her.

"No! I'm in freaking labor! Argh!"


"I'm in labor! Oh, god!" Gail clenched her stomach while her back was propped against the headboard.

"What do you mean you're in labor?"

"I thought they were Braxton hicks contractions!"


"They're not! Mother of God!"

Fuck! I helped Gail from the bed when something wet hit both of us. "What the fuck was that?"

"Oh, God. My water broke." Gail looked at me with a panicked face.

"Hang on." I moved her back to her original position and moved to check on her. "Shit."

"What shit? No shit." Gail screamed as a contraction hit.

"Baby, the baby is coming."

"What?" Gail panted.

I grabbed towels, blankets, and medical equipment from my gear and got Gail ready. I dialed one of my men and put him on speakerphone before giving him orders for Gail and the baby. Then I hung up.

I got to work. "Push, Gail."

Gail pushed as the baby's head appeared more.

"I need another push."

Gail pushed harder as the baby's head came out.

I worked to turn the baby. "Again."

Gail pushed again until his head was out entirely.

I grabbed a towel and opened it to catch the baby. "One more time."

Gail pushed again as the baby slipped out into the towel. I worked to cut his cord and swaddle him before the afterbirth came out. While I worked on Gail, the medical team arrived to finish the job. They transported Gail and the baby once they secured her. I traveled with them to the hospital.


I couldn't believe Hunter delivered our son in our bedroom. I wanted to ask him if he called a cleaning service, but I refrained. I would ask him later.

The doctor finished the job Hunter did and repaired the tear from the birth. Then he transferred me to a private room where Hunter was waiting. A nurse arrived with the baby in a bassinet once they cleaned and dressed him.

Hunter reached into the bassinet and lifted the baby into his arms. "Well, our boy has a mind of his own."

I lay in bed, exhausted from the delivery. "He's just like his daddy. Now we need a name."

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