Chapter Seven: Piper

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In through the doors came two COs, each grabbing a stumbling Pennsatucky's arm. They were followed by two more, and a drug dog.
"You all need Jesus!" she screamed, as they brought her down the aisle, heading towards the exit. "It wasn't my meth! I just used some of it to feel happy! It's not bad! It's heavenly! Just ask Jesus, he made it himself!"
People laughed as she went by, whispering to one another. In a way I felt bad for her, since she'd spend the rest of her days plus an additional sentence rotting away in max. But then again I didn't feel bad, since she tried killing me once.
The second round of COs searched everyone's cubes, but found nothing. Everyone knew that Pennsatucky was the only one stupid enough to keep tons of baggies of meth where they could easily be found.
Once they finished, they announced that it was all clear and we could resume any activities. I was just about to go look for Alex when I heard my name called. Internally groaning, I turned around and saw Mr. Healy. What could he possibly want now?
"Yes, Mr. Healy?"
"Grab your stuff, you're switching dorms." Immediately I realized where I was going. Since Pennsatucky would no longer be in her bed...across from Alex...I would be there! My heart did a flip, and I smiled dumbly.
"Thank you, Mr. Healy," I said as politely as possible.
He grunted and mumbled, "Don't bring it up." He wasn't in charge of rooming, but it was his job to make sure the inmates moved to their new destination. Nothing pissed him off more than seeing a couple end up together, especially Alex and myself. But I didn't care what he thought, I was just thrilled to be roomed with my fiancé.
I gathered my scattered belongings and followed Mr. Healy to the B dorm. When I got in there, I was sad to see that Alex was nowhere in sight. I laid out my stuff, a book, all the letters from Alex, my birthday "mix," and some ramen noodles, on the side table.
I hadn't gotten much sleep the previous night, and rolling onto the floor in the morning wasn't very pleasant, so I decided I'd take a nap. Work was cut short and I had nothing else to do, so why not?
I laid down on the rock hard mattress, and slowly drifted into a light sleep.
The scene changed, and all of a sudden I was in Alex's hotel room. Not just any hotel room, the one I left her in tears in when I selfishly left her, breaking her heart.
"No," I whispered, covering my mouth. I was very aware that I was dreaming. I've heard it said that when you have lucid dreams, you can control your actions. So I focused with all my might, and turned to face the crying Alex in front of me.
"Please don't leave," she said, tears in her eyes. My body was fighting to turn and walk out the door, but I fought harder.
"I'm not," I forced out of my mouth. Her expression instantly changed, as she wiped a tear away.
"I'll never leave you," I said, stronger this time. I walked over to her, taking both her hands in mine. She looked down at me, a small smile playing on her lips.
"Really?" she asked, squeezing my hands. By now, I could easily control myself.
"Yes. Alex, I'm sorry for how I've been lately. But I promise you, I will never leave. Not now, not ever. Now, let's go say goodbye to your mother. She's in a better place now." Alex hugged me, and gave me a kiss. She packed up her belongings, handed me my passport, and we headed to the airport.
We flew back to New York, and headed to the cemetery for the funeral. Except when we arrived and I turned my back for a second, Alex was gone. I whirled around, calling out her name.
Dianne, her mother, came walking over to me and touched my shoulder.
"She can't hear you, Piper. I know it's hard. But just remember, you were the love of her life."
"What?" I sputtered, walking over to the casket that Dianne was supposed to be in. Next to it was a sign that read, "In loving memory of Alex Vause."
"You were too late," Dianne whispered, breathing down my neck.
I fell to my knees, clutching my face. I grabbed my hair, and screamed at the top of my lungs.
I woke up screaming, and began to sob. Alex got up from her bed and came over to me, holding me in her arms.
"Piper, what's wrong? Talk to me. It was just a dream."
I couldn't breathe as I sobbed into her shoulder, holding on to her so tightly I thought my fingers would snap.
"Babe, it's okay. You're okay, I'm right here. What happened?"
I looked at her worried face, and cried even harder. I kept hugging her closer because I needed reassurance that she was alive and actually with me.
"Piper, stop, you're scaring me," Alex said, wiping tears away from my eyes. "Tell me what happened."
In between sobs, I managed to spit out, "You---died."
Alex pulled me onto her lap, and started stroking my hair. "It's okay, Pipes, I'm right here. I'll always be right here. I promise. Nothing bad is going to happen. I'm okay."
We sat together for a few minutes, and eventually I could breathe again. But I wasn't letting go of Alex; I couldn't bear to not feel her presence. She kissed the top of my head, gently rubbing my shoulders and arms.
I sat up, still clinging to her. I hadn't noticed that it was dark in the dorm. She saw me looking around confused, and said, "You slept through lunch and dinner. No one wanted to wake you because you looked so peaceful. But I saved you some shitty meatloaf." I looked up at her beautiful, smiling face.
"Thank you," I said weakly. "I love you."
"I love you more, Pipes," she said, kissing my neck. She got up, motioning for me to follow. Laying down on her bed, she patted the space next to her and said, "Come be my little spoon."
I eagerly laid down, pressing myself as close as possible to her. Alex wrapped her arm around me, and I held her hand, keeping it close to my heart. She continued to stroke my hair with her other hand. Slowly she stopped as she gracefully fell asleep.
It was clear that I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. But that was okay, because for once, reality was better than my dreams.
I rubbed her hand with my thumb, gently making little patterns for as long as I could remember. I eventually slipped into a dark, dreamless sleep.

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