Chapter Twenty: Piper

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I was excitedly packing a suitcase when Alex strolled into the room, pausing and leaning on the doorway. I turned to look at her and beamed, but then continued to pack. So far I had six t-shirts and 5 pairs of shorts.
After a minute, I heard a moan and I whipped around to see Alex half in and half out of her dress. Her sexy lace bra was exposed, and I felt like the heart eye emoji staring at her.
"Good Lord," I said to myself, quiet enough that I didn't think she would hear.
"Are you gonna help me or just stare at my boobs?" Alex said. "I mean, we all know what option I would choose if the tables were turned, but you should be a gem and help your wife out here. I'm stuck and if I don't get out soon, I'm gonna suffocate."
I hurried over and slipped my hands into her dress, giving her a nice feel up as I pulled it over her head and tossed it onto our bed. Alex draped her arms around my neck and slowly kissed me, making my heart flutter.
"Alex...not now...packing," I said heavily in between breaths. She knew the effect she had on me, and she laughed, grabbing my dress from the bottom and slowly pulling it over my head. We were both standing there in nothing but our bras and panties, smiling and laughing.
"Quickie?" Alex asked seductively, dragging me to our bed. I rolled my eyes and nodded, and pushed her dress onto the floor to make more room.
In 20 minutes, Alex and I were both packed and ready to go. We planned on buying our tickets right at the airport, because there surely wouldn't be a long line at 1:00am. Alex locked the front door as I put our suitcases in the backseat and climbed into the passenger seat.
She got in and turned to face me. "Ready for the most kickass honeymoon, schnookums?"
"Ready as ever, love muffin," I replied, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. Alex began driving and headed for the airport, which wasn't too far from our house. I reached to turn on the radio, and the car filled with the sound of the song "Only You" by Yaz.
"Alex!" I exclaimed. "Your mix for me!"
Alex grinned and raised her eyebrows. "Perfect timing," she said. "Now that we're out in the real world and not just weird prison girlfriends, I can actually make that mix for you. Look forward to that when we get home."
I put my hand on hers on the console, and we drove like that until we reached the airport.
The parking lot wasn't very full, and Alex found the perfect spot not too far from the entrance. We got out, grabbed our suitcases, and went through the tall glass doors leading inside.
There was close to no one inside, which was great for us. Alex and I gave our suitcases to a man who was running them down a security conveyor belt while we bought our tickets from an interactive screen. There was a 2:15am flight that went straight to Paris. Alex bought the tickets, and they printed out immediately. We got our luggage from the man, who gave us a thumbs up and started walking towards security.
Since there were only two of us, Alex and I got through security in less than two minutes. It was a treat from the normal twenty that it usually took when it was crowded.
We dropped off our suitcases and went to the terminal. Waiting for a flight always made me feel excited, especially when I was with Alex. But my heart sank when I thought of why we were always traveling. I couldn't bear the thought of losing her because of drug smuggling again. That was the reason that I left...
I looked over at her with wide eyes as we were sitting on the hard, plastic chairs.
"What?" she said, laughing and pushing a piece of hair behind my ear.
"Promise me you'll never do it again."
"Do what?" she asked, her smile fading and a look of worry appearing on her beautiful face.
"Get involved with another drug cartel."
Alex smiled. "Don't worry, babe. I won't. If you don't want me to, I definitely won't.  I will stay as far away from that as possible. Your wish is my command, princess."
I hugged her, relieved. "Thank you, Alex," I said, sighing.
Just then, a voice announced, "Flight 93 heading for Paris is now boarding. Please enter gate A24 to board."
"Let's go!" Alex said excitedly, pulling me over to the woman at the podium by the gate. We gave her our tickets, and she scanned them, giving them back to us after the computer chimed.
"Enjoy your flight," she said, tiredly.
We walked down the ramp and into the plane, and went into first class. Alex always bought the best seats.
A few other people filed in and sat down, all looking exhausted. A man across the aisle yawned, and I couldn't help but yawn in return.
About 15 minutes later, the plane was ready to take off.
"Everyone fasten your seat belts," the stewardess said. "We will arrive in approximately seven hours. I'll be around in a bit with refreshments. Enjoy your flight!"
I shuddered, remembering the last time I was on a flight. It was on the way to Chicago, when I had no idea what was going to happen to me. Lolly had been sitting next to me, and I fell asleep on her. I thanked God that it was Alex who was next to me now, and that I had no more worries.
I leaned onto Alex's shoulder, and she put her arm around me, softly rubbing the side of my arm. I nestled into her side, and fell asleep in minutes, comforted by her warmth.

When I woke up, it was still dark out, so I must not have been sleeping that long. I checked my watch, and it read 4:48am. We still had a few hours to go. Alex was slumped over on me, and I sat up, letting her head rest in my arms. I kissed the top of her head and gently stroked her hair. She looked so peaceful and beautiful, even when she was sleeping.
I was still in awe that she, a stunning woman that everyone fell in love with, chose me, a simple girl to spend the rest of her life with. Alex truly was a blessing, and I was thankful to have her forever.
I must have fallen asleep again because my eyes flew open when I heard, "Good morning, everyone! Rise and shine, we're almost in Paris! Fasten your seat belts because we'll be landing shortly.
I looked down, and my arms were still holding Alex.
"Pipes, you're gonna snap my neck," Alex mumbled, and I quickly let go.
"Sorry, Al," I said, snickering.
She smiled and stretched her neck and arms, nearly punching me in the face in return.
Our plane landed bumpily at 9:47am. Alex and I got off and went to find our suitcases. They rolled down the conveyor belt and we grabbed them, heading for the doors.
We signaled for a taxi and got in, asking for the nearest hotel. The driver let us off a few minutes later in front of a gorgeous building, not too far from the Eiffel Tower.
"Hi, we'd like a suite for the next six days," Alex said when we got into the lobby.
"Sure thing, ma'am," the man behind the counter said.
She paid and got the key, and we took the elevator up to the fourth floor. Alex handed me the key, and I did the honors of opening the door. I stepped inside, and gaped at the room.
Alex and I had stayed in amazing hotels in the past, but none this fancy or big.
"It's amazing!" I said, rushing in to put my suitcase down and flop on the bed. It was a king sized bed with plenty of room for the both of us, even though we usually slept tangled together in a human knot. The grey comforter was as soft as a feather, and the bed was just squishy enough so that you delicately sank into it.
There was a window right next to the bed, which had a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower in the distance.
Alex closed the door and put her suitcase next to mine. She joined me on the bed and stared at the ceiling, wrapping an arm around me.
"This is going to be perfect," she said.
I scooted closer to her and nodded, cuddling into her.
"Fuck yeah, it is!" I said, causing her to laugh. Her laugh shook my body, and soon I was laughing too.
We laid there for a minute, then got up to shower and change. We wanted to have fresh new clothes on for the first day in paradise.
A little before noon, Alex and I headed out to get lunch. We found a tiny yet sophisticated restaurant a few blocks from the Eiffel Tower.
As much as she hated it, I loved escargot and enjoyed eating it right in front of her.
"You just ate Gary the snail," she said, cringing.
I laughed, slurping up another one.
"Delicious," I said, licking my lips. Alex pretended to throw up and ate her pasta.
After we finished, we walked to the Eiffel Tower. It took us a hell of a long time to get to the top of it, but at last we made it. Alex and I took a lot of pictures, but our favorite was one we had a stranger take of us kissing. Some may admire the beautiful sight of Paris in the background of it, but I admired the gorgeous woman I had my arms wrapped around in it.
We stayed up there for a while, but eventually had to go back down. There were benches down at the bottom, and we flopped down on one, our legs exhausted.
Alex and I watched as people walked by, and we would make up conversations for them.
A girl walked by wearing skin tight leggings and a crop top.
"'Ugh, my ass is so big! It can't fit in these skinny little pants,'" Alex mocked. The girl casually picked her wedgie when she passed us, and Alex and I nearly died laughing.
"Oh my God!" Alex said. "That is great. I could do this all day."
And so we did. We sat there for hours, just laughing and enjoying ourselves, entertained by the many fascinating people that passed.
Before we realized it, it was dark out. The Eiffel Tower lit up, and it was a breathtaking sight.
Alex and I headed back to the hotel after we got a small bite for dinner, since we were still full from lunch.
We burst into the hotel room laughing and holding hands. It had been a long day, and we were both ready for bed.
I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth once Alex was finished, and she laid down waiting for me.
I was half asleep when I was brushing my teeth, and I ended up with a big glob of toothpaste on my shirt.
I climbed into bed next to Alex, and she pulled me close. Her eyes went straight to my wet shirt.
"Nice toothpaste stain," she said, chuckling.
"Don't mention it," I said, trying not to laugh. But Alex raised her eyebrows at smirked, and I ended up laughing anyway.
"Today was amazing," I said, leaning closer to kiss her. "Thank you for being my wife. I look forward to the rest of my life with you, because Alex, you're the love of my life."
Alex looked at me and smiled. "I heart you," she whispered.
"I heart you, too."

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