Chapter Seventeen: Alex

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I nervously drove to Litchfield with Piper sitting next to me, my heart in my throat. Deep down, I was worried that something could happen to mess up our picture perfect day. Although Piper said she loved me, there was always the fear lingering in the back of my mind that she'd leave me again. I obviously couldn't talk to her about it, so I had to keep it suppressed inside. I couldn't let her see me as vulnerable; it just wasn't who I am.
I pulled up to the prison and parked in a handicapped spot, and there was nothing that anyone could do about it. What were they gonna do, lock me up?
Piper and I got out of the car and started unloading it. Someone must have seen us arrive, because Officer Maxwell came out, a big smile on her face. It was a rare sight.
"Nice to see you both alive and well," she said as she stopped to help unpack our accessories. "And congratulations! Good luck out in the real world."
"Thanks," I said, wearily. Maxwell gave me a confused look, and I shook my head, motioning at Piper who wasn't looking. It took her a few seconds, and a wave of realization and understanding washed across her face.
"Piper," she said. "Why don't you go inside with your dress. You have a few friends who are willing to help you get ready. And remember, you don't get to see your bride until it's time!" Piper looked up from digging inside the trunk and smiled. I could tell she was so excited that she didn't suspect how I was feeling.
"Alright!" she exclaimed. She grabbed her dress and headed inside, kissing me as she passed me. "I'll see you in a bit, love muffin."
"Okay, schnookums," I said, forcing a smile. Piper walked giddily into Litchfield, the door slamming behind her. Maxwell turned to me.
"Now," she said, "what is wrong? This is supposed to be the best day of your life, you should be as happy and clueless as her!"
I leaned against the side of my car, and weakly slid down onto the ground. A tear rolled down my cheek as I pulled back my hair. I wiped it away quickly, hoping she wouldn't see.
"I'm just so scared," I eventually said. "So many times she's left me, and I keep thinking it's going to happen today in front of all these people. But I can't lose her, she's the love of my life."
Maxwell sat down next to me, pushing aside a platter of chicken, and put her arm around me. I'd never seen this side of her, but then again, she'd never seen this side of me, either.
"Vause," she said comfortingly. "You have nothing to worry about. I know she can be an airhead sometimes, but Chapman really does love you, I can see it. Just by the way she looks at you with such awe and revere, it's obvious. Remember the time in the bathroom when she voluntarily took a shot so that I wouldn't send you to SHU? Never in my career have I ever seen someone do that for their girlfriend. And believe me, I've seen a lot of fucked up couples. So trust me, everything will be fine." She patted me on the back and stood up, picking up a platter of food. "Now go in there and get ready to marry the love of your life."

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