Chapter Two: Alex

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When I found out the news, I knew I had to get back to my bunk before Piper could find me. As soon as I saw the headline go across the TV, I sprinted back to my sleeping quarters. Healy gave me a shot for running, but who the fuck cares? I was about to make the biggest and most important decision I'd ever made that would forever change my life. I definitely needed some time to gather my thoughts and figure things out. Because now that same sex marriage was legal, I was going to ask for Piper to marry my sorry ass.
I paced back and forth in front of my bed, my palms sweaty. Piper was the love of my life, and I knew on some level she loved me too. But enough to marry me? There was still the awful thought creeping in the back of my mind that she would say no. After all, it was my fault that she ended up in prison, and who would want to spend the rest of their life with a person who did such an awful thing?
My vision blurred as tears filled my eyes, and I slowly sank down onto my bed, pulling back my hair. Soon enough I was quietly sobbing, and I couldn't see through my fogged up glasses. I took them off, throwing them on my end table. I hugged my lumpy pillow to my chest, and tried to take deep breaths.
The door at the end of the sleeping quarters opened, and a figure started walking towards me. I couldn't make out who it was, because without my glasses I was literally blind.
"Pipes?" I called out softly.
"Nope, it's just me," said Nicky, as she came into view. "But she's looking for you. Why the hell aren't you out there celebrating with everyone else?" When she got close enough to see my pathetic tear-soaked face, her expression softened.
"Hey, what's wrong, Vause? Are you okay?" I shook my head, a new round of tears spilling down my face.
Nicky sat down next to me, and gently put her arm around me, pulling me in close. "You know you can marry her now?"
I sniffled, wiping my face, and then nodded. "I'm going to ask her. But what if she says no?" I asked, my voice cracking. I covered my face, ashamed. "Nicky, I'm so sorry you have to see me this way," I said, my voice trailing off.
She hugged me tighter, and then pushed me away so she could look at me.
"Vause," she said, "no one in their right mind would ever say no if you proposed to them, especially Piper. She adores you, I can tell. You have nothing to be worried about, I promise. When you two get out of this shithole, which will be way longer before I do, I know you'll live a wonderful life together. And hey, I better be invited to your wedding."
I managed to fake a small smile. "Thank you, Nicky. That means a lot. Can you give me my glasses, please? They're on the table."
Nicky started laughing, and I frowned. "What's so funny?" I asked.
She was unable to speak over her laughter as she held up my glasses, which were split in half.
"Fuck!" I yelled, allowing myself a little laugh. This wasn't the first time that had happened, since Pennsatucky had snapped them in half a couple months ago. But I was more pissed off this time because I was the one who had caused it.
"Let's go get you fixed up," Nicky said, dragging me out of bed. "And when we're finished, you're gonna go get yourself a wife."

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