Chapter Eighteen: Piper

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I headed into Litchfield with my dress gently crumpled up in my arms and my head held high. It was the complete opposite of how I was the first time I entered Litchfield with Larry. There were good vibes everywhere as I walked in and was greeted by smiling faces. Officer Bell did the usual strip search for me on my way in, but wasn't as harsh. In fact, she congratulated me and said that my dress was pretty.
"Thank you," I said cheerfully. "But Alex definitely looks better in it. God, I can't wait to see her walk down the aisle." I thought about it for a second. "Well, down the track. But it's the thought that counts, right?"
She laughed, which was also a new event to see, and told me I was clear to head in and get ready. I walked down the hallway and just as I was about to enter the bathroom, Sophia grabbed me by the arm.
"Mm-mm, girl," she said. "You aren't going in that filthy room with that gorgeous dress of yours. Come to the salon, myself and the others will prep you. We've got a lot in store for you."
"Okay!" I agreed, and followed Sophia to her salon. Basically half the prison was mashed in there. Nicky, Morello, Big Boo, Daya, Flaca, Maritza, Crazy Eyes, Tricia, Red, Norma, Taystee, Cindy, Poussey, and many more were grinning at me as I walked through the doorway. There were paper streamers draped all over the room, and banners that said "Congratulations Alex and Piper!" I blushed, feeling honored that everyone thought so highly of us.
"First things first," Sophia said, "let's get your dress on." The old me would have never let myself be seen in my underwear or even naked by anyone in the prison. But now, I didn't mind at all. These girls were like my family. Plus, it helped having a few people assist me as I squeezed into my dress. Once it was on, Sophia sat me down in the chair to work on my hair.
"What would you like your hair to look like, honey?" she asked me, gently running her fingers through it. I shrugged.
"Surprise me!" I said, giggling. When she raised her eyebrows, I added, "But don't shave my head."
"No promises," Sophia said as she laughed. "I know just what to do. Close your eyes."
I pinched my eyes shut as I felt her combing through my hair. She pulled a few pieces back and up, and tightly secured them with bobby pins. After a minute of her poking and prodding, she spun me around so I couldn't see the mirror.
"Makeup time!" Morello said excitedly as she walked over to me. I closed my eyes once again as she put eyeliner and eye shadow on me. She let me do my own mascara, which was a relief. Even though I wasn't in front of the mirror and couldn't see what I was doing, it was better than having Morello accidentally poke my eye out on my wedding day.
She then proceeded to put on coverup and foundation, making my skin feel smooth and flawless. Last but not least, Morello gave me some of her precious red lipstick.
"I hope you cherish that," she said through tears. "You look beautiful!"
"Can I see myself yet?" I asked eagerly.
"One last thing," Tricia said, getting up from her seat. "I have this necklace for you. I took it from Jared, and it's worth $149.99. I'll pay it back when I get out, but I want you to have it. It goes nice with your dress." It was a beautiful diamond necklace that sparkled every time it moved. I smiled, tears forming in my eyes. I hugged her, thanking her repeatedly. Never in my life had I felt so privileged and honored.
She put it on me, and spun the chair around so I could see my reflection. I almost didn't recognize myself; the girl in the mirror gaping back at me barely resembled me, except for the dumbfounded look on my face. For a moment I was at a loss for words.
"Thank you all so much," I said once I found my voice. "I can't thank you enough or explain how much I love you all. You mean the world to me, and you'll always be in my heart." I bust out into tears, and everyone clapped, smiling and laughing.
"Good thing your makeup is waterproof," Morello said. "I prepared for your tears!"
I laughed, carefully wiping under my eyes. Just at that moment, Maxwell leaned her head in the doorway and said, "It's time! Piper, you go out first. Everyone else, sit down in the chairs we have set up for you outside."
I got up, my stomach tickling with butterflies, and waved to everyone behind me as I headed down the hall and out to the yard. Another thing that shocked me was seeing how beautifully it was set up outside. There were pink and red flowers everywhere, mainly roses and carnations. They lined the "aisle" in between rows of folding chairs that were neatly and evenly aligned. Balloons were tied to the chairs, bobbing up and down. On the fence were more streamers and banners, blowing in the cool breeze. To the right of the chairs were tables filled with food for the reception. There was even a sound system with a DJ that I didn't know was going to be there, which was a pleasant surprise.
I walked up the aisle and greeted the priest, who smiled at me. We made small talk as we watched the yard fill up with my fellow inmates. They all sat down excitedly and looked at me, everyone with a smile on their face. I waited patiently for everyone to arrive, and felt sick to my stomach when I saw Stella sit down in the back row.
"No!" I yelled, glaring at her. "Get the fuck out!"
Everyone clapped as she stormed away, slamming the door as she went back inside. I grinned, proud of myself. I didn't want that scum anywhere near me or my wife.
"Bye, bitch!" Taystee said sassily, and I blew her a kiss and winked.
At last, all the chairs were filled up, and the DJ began playing "Here Comes the Bride." Everyone stood up and turned around as the door opened. Out stepped Alex. My beautiful Alex.
My jaw dropped as I saw her slowly walk down the aisle. She looked stunning, and somehow more gorgeous than she ever had before. Her dress hugged her body as she moved. It was as if I was watching an angel; she basically glowed. Tears blurred my vision, but I kept my eyes on her, taking in every step she took. I couldn't see my own face, but I'm sure I looked ridiculous as I stared at her, beaming. After what seemed like forever, she finally arrived at the "altar," and stood next to me. Everyone sat down.
"Ladies and...more ladies," the priest said. "We have gathered here today to share with Alex Vause and Piper Chapman a special moment in their lives. I thank you all for being here. These two lovely women have decided to spend the rest of their lives together, and so they shall." He said a prayer, and told us it was time for our vows. I looked at Alex, and she raised her eyebrows.
I took a deep breath, inhaling more air than I thought was possible, and the words started to pour out of me.
"I, Piper Elizabeth Chapman, take you, Alex Vause, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish; from this day forward until death do us part. Alex, as you know, I'm not very good with words." She smiled a tiny smile and looked down, while everyone snickered. "But when I talk, I speak from the heart. And I mean it when I say that you are the true love of my life. I couldn't live without you, and I never want to go a day without seeing your beautiful face. You bring joy to me in ways I never thought possible, and you treat me like a queen, even though I don't deserve it. I was a horrible person, and I did you so wrong, and like I've said so many times before, that will haunt me until the day I die. But I promise that I will never leave your side. I love you so much, and I am blessed to be able to spend the rest of my life with you."
I gasped when I stopped talking, shocked at how I had just poured my heart out. I didn't think it was in me to speak such words. Alex must have been surprised too, because I noticed she was crying. I had only ever seen her cry a few times, and I began crying in response. But at least these were happy tears, which made it more bearable.
I heard sniffles in the audience too, and glanced over to see a steady stream of tears flowing down Morello's face. She made eye contact with me and gave me a thumbs up as she wiped her face. Even the priest was at a loss for words. He just nodded at me, and turned to Alex expectantly. A good minute passed by before she opened her mouth.
"I, Alex Vause, take you, Piper Elizabeth Chapman, to be my wife. Fuck the mainstream vows, this is coming from my heart as well." My eyes bulged and I suppressed a laugh, peeking at the priest to see his reaction. He too looked as if his eyes were about to pop out of his head, and it took all my strength and self control not to burst out laughing. Alex continued.
"Ever since I laid my eyes on you in that bar, I knew you were the one. There was just something special about you, Pipes. Every moment that I spend with you feels like a dream, because it is perfect in every way. Whether we're getting drunk or cuddling in a prison bed, I love being with you. A life without you isn't a life at all. Words can't express how grateful I am that you agreed to marry me, so thank you again for saying yes. I promise you that I will do my best to make you happy and give you all of me. I love you so fucking much, Pipes." She looked me in the eye, and my heart melted. Nothing could wipe the smile off of my face as I stared right back at her.
The priest took a second to recover, and gathered himself. "By the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
Alex grabbed my face and pulled me in roughly as we kissed, the best kiss we'd ever had. It wasn't just any kiss; it brought us together and promised that we would never be separated again. I could barely even hear the audience cheering, for Alex was all I could see, hear, taste, and feel. It was like being wrapped up in my own personal heaven.
We must have been kissing for a while, because I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I reluctantly pulled back from Alex, and the inmates were still cheering and screaming.
"I love you," I whispered.
"I love you, too," Alex said, forcefully wiping a tear away from under her shiny green eyes.
When the cheers and chatter finally died down, Red called out, "Time for some food! Real food that I didn't make!" Everyone jumped up, and stampeded towards the tables. We thanked and said goodbye to the priest as he strolled down the aisle and into the prison, leaving us alone at the altar. I hugged Alex tightly, then grabbed her hand as we went over to get some food.

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