Chapter Fourteen: Piper

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Alex and I strolled down the street, hand in hand. Now that it was finally sinking in, freedom felt amazing. I had forgotten what it felt like to be in the city at night: all the shining lights, the bustling people, the loud cars. New York truly was the city that never slept. I couldn't wipe the smile from my face as we walked along. It was the happiest I had been in a long, long time.
Alex and I signaled a taxi, got in, and directed the driver to her house. Even in the dark, I recognized Alex's beautiful house. I had spent many nights and days here, back in the good old days...
We got out, myself still dragging the garbage bag of my belongings behind me, and headed to the front door. Alex bent over, lifted the doormat, and pulled out her spare key, smiling at me. She unlocked the door, and we stumbled blindly into the pitch black house. I remembered exactly where the light switch was: one step forward and two to the right. I flipped it on, blinding us both.
It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust, and when they did, I was shocked. Alex's house looked nothing like what it used to. She must have noticed my amazed expression, because she put her arm around me.
"After you left," she said, "I changed everything. I couldn't bear to see all the things that reminded me of you."
My heart broke right there, and tears formed in my eyes.
"Alex..." I said quietly. "I am so deeply sorry for leaving. Words can't even explain how sorry I am...I will regret that until the day I die, and I hate myself for it. But I promise to never leave you again, because you are the love of my life." With that, a tear rolled down my cheek. Alex wiped it away, and quickly kissed me.
"No more tears, Pipes," she said. "That was the past. We're in the present now. And I think we should remodel the house anyway. You know, to start a fresh new beginning with my girl."
I nodded, and followed her as we headed up the stairs to her bedroom. Although it was completely different from when I used to live with her, it was still a beautiful room.
I placed my bag on the floor, and flopped down on the bed, burying my face in the sheets. I wrapped myself up, and looked at Alex, patting the bed next to me.
"Get over here," I said, laughing at the expression on her face. She took off her shirt, revealing her black lace bra. I just about melted.
Alex got into bed next to me, and immediately climbed on top of me. I grabbed her hair as we kissed, pulling her as close to me as possible. She ripped my shirt off, and winked at me. We could finally have sex in peace without a CO catching us.
I woke up tangled with Alex, her legs wrapped around mine. I really needed to pee, but I didn't want to wake her. So I laid there, trying to keep my bladder from exploding.
Eventually she woke up, and smirked when she saw how close we were.
"Good morning, princess," she said, twisting herself so she could kiss me.
"Hey," I said. "I really need to pee. I've had to for a while, but I didn't want to wake you." I tried to get out of bed, but Alex held on to me with her legs.
"Oh, you're not going anywhere," she said. She squeezed me so tightly I thought she was going to pop my bladder.
"Alex!" I yelled. "This is serious! Unless you want me to ruin your soft sheets, you better let me go!"
"No way," she said seductively, roughly kissing me. I gave in, and kissed her back. Little did she know, I was slowly pushing her legs off of me. At last, I was free and jumped out of bed, dashing for the bathroom.
"Hey!" Alex called. "That was cruel! You sure know how to give a girl blue balls."
"Anything for you, my dear," I called back, laughing. I finally relieved myself, thankfully making it to the toilet.
When I got back into the bedroom-our bedroom-I found Alex taking pictures on my phone. She saw me, and called me over. I laid down, wrapped my arms around her, and smiled, the front camera capturing an adorable moment of us.
Alex put my phone down, and turned to face me.
"You know," she said. "I was thinking of trying to have our wedding at the prison. That way, the majority of our guests could be there to see it. What do you think?"
"Alex, that's brilliant!" I said. "Let's contact them immediately, while we're still fresh in their minds."
"Good, I'm glad you agree. I'll call them and set something up today." She took my hand. "And we're going to get our rings today."

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