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His desire for Her


A towering figure of six feet, with ebony hair, a chiseled nose, and a defined jawline, stood by the expansive window of his high-rise building. His piercing eyes, filled with a blend of authority and introspection, were fixed on the sprawling city below, lost in deep contemplation. The city, bathed in the amber glow of the setting sun, seemed to bow to his silent dominion.

The room around him was an epitome of luxury, adorned with elegant furnishings that spoke of both wealth and taste. He exuded an aura of unassailable power, a man who commanded respect and fear in equal measure. His tailored suit clung perfectly to his athletic frame, further emphasizing his commanding presence.

He sat on his black leather chair, going through the documents which were placed on his desk, he was checking them one by one.

His moment was interrupted by a soft, yet assertive knock on the door, followed by a voice seeking permission to enter. The sound echoed through the spacious office, a subtle reminder of the many who sought his favor and the few who dared to challenge his reign.

“Enter”  he commanded, his tone brooking no argument.

His secretary, Mr. Ling, stepped inside with measured grace.

“Good morning sir” Mr. Ling intoned, bowing deeply in deference.

“Hmm” he murmured in acknowledgment, his attention still riveted on the stack of documents before him.

“Sir, today’s schedule includes a meeting with Mr. Min Joon, the esteemed founder of Seoul University. Later, you are scheduled to confer with Mr. Jong Su” Mr. Ling informed him, his voice steady and precise.

“We are to depart for Seoul University within the hour” he replied, finally and began to peruse the files laid out before him, his focus narrowing as he prepared for the significant engagements ahead.


A girl lay sleeping peacefully, her hair splayed out in a cascade of dark waves across the pillow, a few delicate strands brushing softly against her face. Her skin, a smooth and radiant canvas, glowed softly in the morning light. As the sun's warm rays gently kissed her cheeks, her honey-brown eyes fluttered open, revealing their deep, expressive hue. She blinked sleepily, her long lashes casting shadows on her high cheekbones.

Today was significant—she needed to attend an admission appointment at Seoul University. The anticipation made her heart race as she rose from the bed, her movements graceful and fluid. She made her way to the bathroom to begin her morning routine.

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