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Today, a highly esteemed personality was visiting her university to recognize and reward the students who had excelled in various contests. The atmosphere on campus was buzzing with excitement and anticipation.

Y/N had also participated in the event, submitting her innovative designs in hopes of being recognized.

As Y/N entered the bustling campus, she noticed a fellow student and her project partner jay, standing by a bench. She decided to approach him to clarify some doubts about their upcoming project.

Waving at him to get his attention, Y/N quickened her pace. When she reached him, she pulled out some documents she had meticulously prepared, filled with her creative ideas and designs for their project.

“Wow, Y/N, your ideas are extraordinary. I think I've found the perfect partner this time” Jay said, genuinely impressed as he leafed through the papers. He was astounded by her artistry and the innovative concepts she had developed.

Jay continued to engage her in conversation, asking numerous questions about her studies, career aspirations, and the inspiration behind her designs. His curiosity and admiration were evident, and he seemed eager to learn more about her journey and future plans.

“Alright then, I'll join you later” Jay finally said, recognizing that Y/N had other things to attend to.

“Yes, of course” she replied softly, appreciating his interest and encouragement. She then hurried towards her locker to retrieve her books, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

As Y/N walked through the corridors, she couldn't help but reflect on how far she had come. Her hard work and dedication were finally paying off, and the recognition from such respected figure only fueled her determination.

It was a warm afternoon, and Y/N sat quietly in the second row of the auditorium, lost in her thoughts. The room buzzed with the murmurs of students, their excitement palpable. Jay spotted her from a distance and, with a determined stride, made his way towards her.

“May I sit beside you?” he asked politely, stopping a respectful meter away.

“Yes” she replied, her eyes meeting his.

“Here, have some water. It's a scorching day” Jay said, handing her a bottle with a gentle smile.

“Thank you” she responded, her face lighting up with a smile that Jay had never seen before. He found himself momentarily captivated by it, she was usually so quiet and reserved.

As they sat together, their conversation flowed intermittently, with Jay doing most of the talking while Y/N listened intently.

“Today, we have gathered here to celebrate the graduation of our senior students and to honor those who participated in the recent contest organized by our team” the host announced, capturing everyone's attention.

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