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A man in his early 50s paced back and forth, visibly impatient. He was baffled by the incident that had occurred just moments ago. He frequently glanced at his wristwatch, anxiously checking the time, waiting for her to regain consciousness. His mind raced with unanswered questions, and the seconds seemed to stretch into eternity. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves, hoping for any sign that she would wake up soon.

A maelstrom of thoughts whirled in his head, the scene replaying perpetually in his mind, making him restless and uneasy.

He couldn't fathom that the man they had been trying to approach for two years had arrived at their mansion on foot, carrying Y/N—his so-called niece. Kim Taehyung, the prominent yet infamous businessman, had come to their villa with the sole purpose of dropping off Y/N, who, to him, seemed nothing more than an ordinary girl.

Mr. Lee Young, Y/N's uncle, was utterly perplexed by what he had witnessed. Taehyung's actions were inexplicable; the way he had held her unconscious frame with such unexpected tenderness was a stark contrast to his reputed cunning nature. It was as if the businessman had become a different person entirely in that moment.

Taehyung's words still echoed in Mr. Young’s mind, each syllable resonating with a chilling clarity.

“Don't disturb my girl. I will be back soon” Those words, delivered with a commanding tone and accompanied by Taehyung's dark, piercing eyes, seemed to promise retribution. Mr. Young felt a cold shiver run down his spine. Taehyung's presence had been like a storm—intimidating, overwhelming, and impossible to ignore.

The sight of Taehyung carrying Y/N’s lifeless form and referring to her as “his girl” was more than just confusing; it was deeply unsettling. The manner in which he spoke was not merely casual; it carried an undercurrent of threat and a veiled warning. It was clear that Taehyung's return was not a mere promise but a portent of something more significant.

The day's events had left Mr. Young's mind in disarray, swirling with chaotic thoughts and unanswered questions. He awaited Y/N’s awakening with mounting anxiety, aware that Kim Taehyung was not a man to be taken lightly.

He was jolted from his thoughts when a maid in her late thirties knocked on his door.

“Come in” he said, his voice firm and authoritative.

The maid entered, bowed respectfully, and said, “Sir, Y/N ma'am has regained consciousness”.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Mr. Young sprang to his feet, his mind racing with a mix of worry and determination. He hurried towards Y/N’s room, each step echoing his urgency.


Y/N stirred in her bed, her eyes fluttering open as she adjusted to the morning light. A sharp hiss escaped her lips as a dull ache throbbed relentlessly at the base of her skull.

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