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I became insane,
With long intervals of horrible sanity.



Y/N gazed at her father with a pitiful expression, hoping he might show her some mercy.

But when she saw the hard, unyielding stare he directed at her, as if his eyes were drilling holes through her, she knew mercy was the last thing on his mind.

“D-Dad, I-I'm still s-studying” she managed to stammer, summoning the courage to speak while holding back her tears.

Her father's eyes blazed with fury, silently warning her of the dire consequences if she dared to defy him.

“D-dad, p-please give me s-some time” she pleaded, her voice trembling.

“At least until I graduate. After that, I-l can think about marrying someone. P-Please don't force me” Her sobs punctuated her desperate words, hoping against hope that he would consider her feelings as his daughter.

“Your engagement will be held in six months, and within two years, you will be married to him” he declared, standing up with a finality that brooked no argument. He showed no regard for her consent.

As he was about to leave, Y/N's desperation broke through her fear. She spoke with a high pitch.
“Y-You can't do this to me! This is wrong, I don't want-------”

Her words were cut off by a harsh slap that sent her sprawling to the ground Her lip split open from the impact, and tears streamed down her cheeks. She was stunned by her father's sudden violence.

“DON'T YOU DARE YO SPEAK BACK TO ME!” he roared. “First, you defied me by studying shi*ty designing, calling it your dream. And now, when I tell you to marry a man who will secure our family's future, you refuse? You want to destroy my years of hard work and my friendship with Mr. Park?” His eyes were bloodshot with rage.

“Y-You're selling m-me for your b-business and p-profit” she stuttered, her voice barely a whisper.

He bent down to her level, grabbing a fistful of her hair and slapping her again. A pained whimper escaped her lips as she continued to cry.

“You will marry him. That's my final decision. You have no say in this” he growled, his grip on her hair tightening painfully, yanking it up making her scream in pain.

She was trembling, her jaw throbbing from the assault. She felt as though her scalp would tear under the force of his grip. Her right cheek was burning, and dizziness began to cloud her senses.

“DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” he demanded squeezing her jaw mercilessly.

“Y-Yes” she managed to utter through her sobs. After being satisfied with her answer he left her jaw.

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