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Reaching the mansion, Y/N hurried towards her room, ignoring everyone in the hall. Her uncle noticed her unusual behavior, growing suspicious, as she was usually calm and quiet, not panicked like she was now.

Y/N quickly unlatched her door, stepped inside, and locked it behind her. She threw her bag onto the floor and collapsed onto the bed, burying her face in the pillow as she burst into tears. Trembling, she touched her lips, consumed by a dreadful fear that griped her heart.

Her mind raced with the events of the day, the encounter that had shaken her to the core replaying over and over. She felt the overwhelming need to confide in someone, yet the fear of reliving the experience kept her silent. She clutched the pillow tighter, hoping it would absorb her sorrow and ease the torment inside her.

He stole her first kiss, leaving her feeling utterly shattered. Her wide, innocent eyes brimmed with an endless stream of tears.

She was rubbing her lips harshly to get off his disgusting touch.

To her, this unexpected act was a violation, a sin that she could neither comprehend nor forgive. She just laid, trembling, her heart heavy with the weight of her lost innocence, feeling as if a part of her soul had been taken away.

After an hour, when all her energy was drained from crying, her throat parched and her body exhausted, she sat up in bed and drank some water.

She got up and slowly walked towards the restroom, her steps heavy with fatigue and sorrow.

Y/N stripped off her clothes. She turned on the faucet and settled into the bathtub, feeling the warm water gradually soothe her tense muscles.

She allowed herself to unwind a little, the water offering a temporary respite from the turmoil inside her. The soft sound of the water provided a comforting backdrop to her thoughts, and she closed her eyes, letting the warmth envelop her.

After a while, she emerged from the restroom, having changed into her pajamas. She stood in front of the mirror, staring at her reflection. The day's incident kept replaying in her mind, each memory a fresh wound.

Her gaze fell upon her bruised lips, which had turned a shade of purple from his assault. Her eyes brimmed with tears again as she traced her lips with delicate fingers. Her eyes then shifted to her wrist, which was also bruised from his tight grip, the mark of his fingers still imprinted on her fragile skin.

“Why did he have to do this to me?” she whispered, sobbing and complaining at once. Despite her continual protests, she couldn't stop his assault. Her attempts were futile against his monstrous strength.

The pain an humiliation she felt were overwhelming, a heavy burden pressing down on her chest.Her head began to ache from the continuous crying and sobbing. She held her head, unable to control the pain. Opening the drawer, she took out a painkiller.

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