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A man in his late 20s was sleeping half naked, lower region covered with duvet. Hairs were falling on his face covering his forehead. The biceps and muscles of his puffy chest tightened.
"Ahh" a nasty moan escaped his lips as he was having a wet dream. His pant tightened as his shaft became hard.
His phone ringed abruptly disrupting his deep pleasurable slumber.

Due to interruption he groaned a little and unfolded his eyes flickering his eyelids. He sat up on the bed. Stretching his arm he lifted up his mobile from night stand and received the call.

“I will be there within an hour” he spoke in his authoritative voice disconnecting the call after taking for a couple of minutes.

He removed duvet and peered at his penis which was erected by her wet dreams. He had just kissed her a day before yesterday and today he has started to fantasize her in the most sinful way.

He took a moment to breath deeply inhaling fresh air filling his lungs with it trying to calm down his tense muscle. He can't get her out of his mind. His brain started to imagine worst scenarios with her. His desire growled and screamed her delicate touch, and lastly her pink soft petals. He massaged his temple to ease his erotic sensation. He took a glance of his hard rock clothed manhood which was stiffed at its place. His adam apple bobbed up he gulped hardly.

He was astound by the fact that no woman has ever affected him in such way such as Y/N. Her innocence has allured him to an extent that he just wants to ravish her. He was being impatient for her touch. Her honey brown eyes, slim waist, quivering lips, bottom nose, fluttered crimson cheeks, hourglass figure, vanilla fragrance and naive essence tempts him to devour her. Her soft tender lips were the most gratifying thing he has ever relished.

He commenced rubbing his clothed dick. Sweat beeds spread over his forehead. His breathing accelerated. His palm ached contemplating erotically. His head surrounded by lustful thoughts regarding her.

"Fuck" he cursed being frustrated. His hormones were reacting like a fucking teenager infuriated by a girl just in a brief period of time.

“I'll have to take care of it” He muttered to himself, staring down at his manhood. Rising to his feet, he strode purposefully towards his opulent bathroom. Shedding the last piece of clothing he wore, he turned on the shower, letting the water cascade over him as he prepared to address his needs.

After taking a long, cold shower to control his flaring desires, he stepped out of the bathroom and walked into his closet, where his freshly pressed clothes were neatly arranged. He removed the towel that was hanging low around his waist and dressed in expensive jet-black pants, a crisp white shirt, and a tie. He added a tailored coat and polished black shoes to complete the look. Finally, he took an extravagant watch from the shelf and slipped it onto his wrist.

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