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this took me so long and I am so very sorry for that 🫶🏾
please excuse any typos


"What is happening?" Mazi frowned walking down the hallway, "No don't tell me that, explain to me what this is," She snapped into the phone.

"So there's nothing you can do?" Sinai spoke on the other side of the room, her phone pressed to her ear. "Abel runs all my accounts, I can't even get into them, they've been blocked,"

"Try again," Naala looked over Storm's shoulder. "Refresh it again," She patted her quickly.

"Mama we're locked out," Storm sighed. "We need Daddy's activation key, all the money is in there,"

"Shit shit shit," Naala sat back down, running her hands through her hair.

"What do you mean there's no money in there?" Malia screeched into her phone,

"They've shut down all our accounts," Storm said quietly. "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know," Naala muttered. "I need money to pay your dad's bail but if I don't have any, — God what is going on?" She groaned covering her face.

"What about Aasad?" Alaiya said from across the room,

"He got picked up an hour ago," Aamirah said with her head in her hands. "How am I going to feed my kids? What is this?"

"I have some money but it's barely enough to keep this house going," Naala mumbled. "But that's it, they've closed all my private accounts too,"

"You have private accounts?" Sinai raised a brow,

"You think I put all my money with your dad's?" Naala chuckled darkly. "I was Naala Love before I became Naala Brewster; I need my own things,"

"So what do we do?" Alaiya fretted,

"I'll work this out but right now someone needs to go down to the station," Naala sat forward,

"What have they got them on?" Sinai questioned,

"I'm waiting for them to tell me," Naala muttered. Troy came into the room and gave Naala a look, causing her to stand.

"Oba," He said lowly, "It's a money laundering charge," He mentioned.

Naala sighed and held her head, "Let me think," She said softly.

Her children watched her, waiting for her decision, knowing she was the only one that could give it them.

"It's that bitch," Naala muttered. "But she messed with the wrong one," She added.

"Call Tom, tell him that we need him, he should know what to do," She sat up. "Then get a jet fuelled, we're sitting ducks here,"

"I can't leave my husband in jail," Malia spoke up, "None of us can Mama, we can't just leave,"

"We need to," Naala responded. "Trust me, that was the beginning, she knows we'll be weak, it's only a matter of time before —"

A loud bang sounded down the hall, "Everybody out," Troy said quickly. "The back entrance, there's cars waiting, go,"

They all hurried out of the house, into the cars that were waiting.

"It's okay. We're okay," Naala rubbed Nairi's shoulder. "We're going home, don't worry about it,"

"Is daddy going to be okay?" Nairi asked softly,

"He will be fine," Naala nodded, though she didn't know that to be true.

"Where are we going?" Aamirah asked with a sigh.

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