Chapter 3 - Don't Bully Yuta

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A/N Yuta has now been introduced and will be the story's deuteragonist. The events will go similar to how they were at the beginning of 0 however it is 4 years earlier and at Aldera. He also has the potential to rival Gojo and Izuku, but probably not beat.

3rd Person POV

It was January 23rd and Aldera Junior High had finally got a new student to replace Izuku Yagi. It took quite a while, because no one was willing to take the place of a quirkless child. What was quite convenient for them was that this new child was also quirkless. His name, Yuta Okkotsu.

Yuta POV

It was my first day at my new school in Mustuafu. I moved here after the Rika incident, because I didn't want to remember what had happened, or else I would be severely traumatised. I should just hope I don't have those memories again, or else I'm going to have to leave this country instead.

As of now, I am walking into my new classroom, to meet my new classmates. They all looked a bit hostile, especially a spiky ash blond haired guy, and a straight gold haired girl. Then the teacher spoke, "Good Morning Class, today we welcome a new student, Yuta Okkotsu, " the other kids just stared at me, which looked slightly creepy, "He is quirkless, so do what you please," the teacher then winked at the other kids, which queued the two hostile kids I mentioned earlier to almost grin evily.

Not a good sign.

"Hey you," the blond haired kid began, his voice was raspy, "I'm Bakugo, and that girl over there," he pointed at the gold haired girl, "she's Yagi, and we run this school, mess with us and we'll beat you up like we did with the other quirkless deku." This guy sounded like he had a bad temper, and that girl looked as smug as ever, like her ego was scarily huge.

Another bad sign.

There was an empty seat next to Bakugo, which I assumed was the seat where the one they called 'deku' sat. From the way he looked at me, I could assume that he was already planning to make my life a living hell.

Timeskip by 3 months

Life is absolutely awful. It was already pretty bad, but without Rika, any salvation I had before has been buried six feet under with her. Bakugo and Yagi are even worse than I thought. These are 12 year old, same as me, inflicting torture on someone just because their not normal. 400 years ago, being quirkless was the normal.

It feels like the whole society of heroes, has corrupted people's ideas on normality. Its now normal to have abilities that make your fingers 20 centimeters long, or to make explosions with your sweat, or to move things with your mind.

For the last 3 months, the blond haired pomeranian, and the gold haired telekinetic have inflicted abuse and physical torture towards me. Them and their gang have came up to me, after school, every day, without missing, and beaten me up until my injuries would barely allow me to walk. Worse than them is the teachers, who turn a blind eye to everything they do. All because I have no quirk and Bakugo and Yagi's quirks are really strong.

It was a rather unusual day. Bakugo and Yagi were off sick, so instead, their group of 'extras decided to beat me instead. All 16 of them ganged up on me and hit me until I couldn't even walk. 12 left and 4 continued on. I was scared, so much so I thought I was going to die. Before I was going to get sent into a coma, I uttered one word...


3rd Person POV

Fate was not kind for the 4 guys who stayed back to continue beating Yuta. A flying curse with a tail for legs and 2 arms with creepy clawed fingers and grimy yellow teeth emerged from behind Yuta.

 A flying curse with a tail for legs and 2 arms with creepy clawed fingers and grimy yellow teeth emerged from behind Yuta

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This curse was able to speak, "Don't bully Yuta," she said in a trembling, yet intimidating voice. Rika then proceeded to attack the boys, even with Yuta's pleads, "Come on Rika, be reasonable, don't kill them, don't injure them, all I wanted you to do was scare them, just leave them ALONE. PLEASE!" Yuta had no control over the curse, even though he summoned it. Rika was responsible for dealing grievous injuries to the boys, putting them in hospitals, one even in a coma.

A certain white haired man had been looking around the school after discovering his student's backstory. This man happened to walk across the front of the school to see four boys being torn apart by a cursed spirit.

"A special grade, huh?" Gojo said with a questioning tone. He then reported of the incident to the higher ups, who came to quite petty decision. "Well Satoru, on behalf of the higher ups, we order you to execute the Special Grade, Cursed Human, Yuta Okkotsu." With that, Gojo's phone call with the higher up ended. Gojo then picked up Yuta, who was unconscious from exhaustion and took him to his execution sight..

Yuta POV

I had passed out from exhaustion after Rika abused all of energy to take out some bullies. I hate it that she is always so overprotective. So much so that she would give perilous injuries to 12 year olds to protect me. Is the power of love really that strong?

"Well, well, you're finally awake. Are you the one they call Yuta Okkotsu?" a blindfolded man said, whilst looking at me with a ridiculous expression. The room was dimly lit with golden light lanterns spread around the room. I was strapped to a chair, tightl

"Yes, sir." I said, expressing my tiredness with my response.

"Well, were you the one responsible for the incident involving 4 kids, who were attacked and severely injured."

"No sir, it was the curse inside me."

"Ah yes, Rika Orimoto, is it, terrifically strong, referred to as the Queen of curses. However, still can't best me, Satoru Gojo, in a fight."

"So why am I here?" I asked.

"Well, you're about to get executed." Gojo stated, in an almost carefree tone, which seemed ridiculous bearing in mind that I was about to FREAKING DIE!

"However, I'm going to give you a choice. You learn how to control your power and train under me, OR...
you die."

It seemed like such a ridiculously obvious answer. What person would rather die than learn how to control their power. If I can stop Rika from haunting me and hurting people, then I can save tons of people, not just from Rika, but from other threats.

"Well, its a pretty obvious answer. I obviously don't want to die. But why you?"

"Thats because, I'm the strongest. I wear this blindfold to limit my powers, but also as a little bit of a flex."

"Now how do we get out of here, there's no door."

"Usually, you're not supposed to leave an execution, of course. So I'm going to teleport you"

In the blink of an eye, Gojo and I were teleported to a reception area, where a guy around my age with blacked out sunglasses and messy green hair stood, wearing a tracksuit looking outfit, fully blacked out, looking up before turning towards me. "Hey there, I hear you're the guy that Gojo-sensei was planning to recruit," he put his hand out, with a big smile, asking for a handshake, "I'm Izuku Yagi."

(A/N I do not own MHA or JJK. They belong to Kohei Horikoshi and Gege Akutami respectively. Izuku will be reintroduced as the main character of the next chapter, but Yuta will get his own chapters with some more backstory)

Word count 1248

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