Chapter 3

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Nirei Akihiko

Early in the morning, the doorbell rang in Ryo's house. For so many times, to the point she wanted to seal off the button so that she wouldn't have to hear it again.

"What is it, Nirei..." She opened the door to see a blonde guy in Furin's uniform, in glasses, and not to mention he's wearing a lame purple buttoned up shirt.

"Ryo! It's this late already! And you just woke up?!"
Nirei is her childhood friend. He likes sticking by her side whenever he could.

Ryo was eyeing him up and down, literally from head to toe with an unreadable expression.... He still has the tag behind his back...
"The ceremony starts in the afternoon. And plus, what's with the lame ass shirt you're wearing inside?"
She walked inside, leaving the door open for Nirei to get in.

"Come on, aren't you excited? At least I am. There's a ton of people you get to meet! It's Furin we're going to!"

Ryo stuck her toothbrush into her mouth while not really paying attention to what Nirei's saying.
"Alright, alright. I'm getting ready."
She mumbled it with bubbles in her mouth.


"It's your fault that we're this late!" Nirei complained.

"There's like a few more hours left!"

Both of them were making their way to the Pothos Cafe. They'd usually hang out there almost everyday.

"Damn, you look really lame in that purple shirt and chained necklace. What is this? A fashion show?"

"Well I like this style and I'm keeping it!"

Ryo sighed at her friend. How is she even friends with him, anyways?

"Ah, Ryo! Here's some fresh tomatoes I plucked early this morning. Nice fight, yesterday!"
A woman came out from her store and brought her a bag of tomatoes with joy written on her face.

Nirei was in confusion, while Ryo was already smiling at the woman with her eyes closed.
"Thanks a lot, Mrs Yamada. But one is enough for me. It'll take me ages to finish this whole bag."

"Would you like some too, boy?" She asked, turning to Nirei.

"E-Eh? Sure..."

She took one tomato from the bag, and took a bite in it in front of Mrs Yamada.

"It's still as juicy as always!"

Nirei was being hesitative, so Ryo took another one and shoved into in his hands.

"We gotta get going, thank you again!" Ryo waved and started a small run, also dragging Nirei away.

"My, my. Kids these days." Mrs Yamada, also waved goodbye to the two.

"W-why'd she give me this? Uh--" Nirei's brain was seemingly jammed for some reason. Though, he's looking at the red tomato with stars in his eyes.

Ryo sweatdropped at him as she continued chewing on her raw tomato.
"You're a member of Furin now, get used to it."

"Sorry to say, but I don't like tomatoes..." Nirei mumbled.

Ryo was dumbfounded hearing this.
"Huh? What do you mean?! Tomatoes are good all the time!"

"Am I at fault for that?!"

"It's Mrs Yamada's tomatoes we're talking about!"

"I don't care! That aside, I don't even know her!"

"Nirei you ungrateful bastard!"

The bell on the door rang, announcing their arrival at the Pothos Cafe without them noticing. They're too busy fighting about tomatoes, which made both Sakura and Kotoha stare at them, speechless.

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