Chapter 13

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The Dependable

Ryo's phone has been buzzing in the earliest morning. When she's already annoyed by that, her alarm that rang so loud made her death announcement.

She was so frustrated, regret joining in the group chat of her class. All her friends are sending messages non-stop from 7 in the morning until now, which was almost 11. Mostly random stickers from Kiryu, Tsugeura and Nirei.

Ryo frowned, and growled out of tiredness which was almost an everyday thing.

She picked up her phone while still in bed, and scrolled through her phone that's flooded with messages. She didn't read them all, though. She's too in a bad mood to really do so.

Something had caught her attention, which she kept her stare at. It was Sakura who has been typing for a really, really long time. What's taking him? Kiryu and Tsugeura are already starting a new topic.

She frowned more, it's like her eyebrows are almost locked together. She decided to mute the group chat as it was annoying her a lot by then. She got up from bed and started getting ready for school.

At school

"Ah. Y'all are early. Morning." She said, walking in the class, seeing Kiryu, Tsugeura, Suo and Nirei already there, sitting in a circle.

"Morning, Ryo-san."

"Good morning!"

"Ryo-chan, you should really talk more in the group chat than just leave us on read. We've tagged you a few times, ya know?" Kiryu said, making her sweatdrop on it.

"Well, all the buzzing on my phone was kinda annoying me... So I muted the group... What were you guys talking bout?"

"We're asking for your opinion, who do you think would be the Grade Captain in our class?" Nirei raised his hand and asked. He even had his notebook opened up with a pen, ready to write down whatever she's about to say.

Suo nodded at Nirei's question.
"And if you were to vote, who would it be?" He added.

Ryo sat down in a chair, and gave it a few seconds of thinking.
"Grade Captain huh... I'm not so sure... But if I were to vote, I'd vote for--"

"What's a Grade Captain, damn it!!" Sakura suddenly yelled and asked, appearing behind Suo out of nowhere.

"W-why are you so mad?!"

"And why are you guys sending all the crap when we're about to meet here?!" He kept on yelling at the very top of his lungs.

"Huh? The chat is more convenient." Kiryu said to him who was acting like a kettle that was about to boil.

Suo agreed with Kiryu.
"I saw the 'read' tag on you. But I guess it's hard for you to jump in when you're not used to it."

Ryo gave Sakura an evil smirk.
"Oh, so that's why you've been typing for so long~ I see, you're not used to texting at all."

"Y-you can see people typing?!"

"His face is all red again!!"

Suo giggled, and gave Sakura a small smile.
"But it's fine for you, Sakura. We'll be talking about that right now."
And by 'that', he meant they'll be choosing their Grade Captain today.

And it's a coincidence that the second year Grade Captain and vice captains came into their class at the right time.

"The Grade Captain and vice captains for Tamon Team second years are here."

There walked in a punk looking guy in front, and another two followed him up from behind. A guy with white hair, headphones on and a lollipop stuck in his mouth. And one more guy with his hair styled like a mushroom, covering his eyes.

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