33. I missed you

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Katie had been away at Ireland camp for the last 2 weeks and she's coming home today. I had injured my ankle during training last month meaning I didn't get a call up. I had just been in the gym and at the physio every day since she left but it hasn't distracted me from how much I've been missing her. Even though we've only been apart for 2 weeks, we never usually spend this much time apart as we both play for Arsenal and Ireland together.

I woke up this morning, feeling excited knowing Katie would be home in a few hours. I had a shower and got ready for the day.

After breakfast, I had a 2 hours until I needed to collect her from the airport so I decided I would give the house a quick tidy.

Once the house was clean I grabbed my car keys and went out to my car locking the front door behind me.

I started my playlist and drove to the airport. I got a text that she had landed as I pulled into the car park and I went inside to meet her.

As everyone started flooding out of the arrival gate, I saw her and I couldn't help the big smile that appeared on my face when we locked eyes.

As she got closer she put her arms out and I walked into them missing her hugs almost as much as I missed her.

"Hey baby, I missed you" she whispered into my hair, causing me to smile

"I missed you more" I said, as I squeezed her a bit tighter

"Not possible" she told me as we pulled away from the hug

I really wanted to kiss her, but we had previously spoken about how we both wanted to keep our relationship private from the public because some of them were a bit crazy. We decided to keep the pda to a minimum while there was a lot of people around.

We got out to the car and as I just sat in the seat she grabbed my face, kissing me. I didn't protest, instead melting into her touch.

"I missed doing that as well" she said smirking as she pulled away

I chuckled in response, starting the car. On the way home, Katie's hand never left my thigh, her hand gently rubbing it and drawing little patterns on my trousers.
She told me about the camp and how the games went, even though I watched every one of them, I still listened to every word, just wanting to hear her voice.

When we got home, I made myself a cup of tea while Katie put on a film for us to watch, just wanting to spend the evening on the sofa together.

"What do you want from nandos, love" I asked her, as neither of us wanted to cook

We ordered the takeaway, and pressed play on the film.
I was partly laying on Katie, my head resting in the crook of her neck while she gently played with the ends of my hair.

The food arrived just as the movie had finished, So we put on some music while we ate.

I was clearing the dishes and washing them up when I felt Katie's arms snaking around my waist from behind. I lent back into her touch. As I dried the last plate I turned around, facing her.

Every time I looked into her eyes it felt like time stopped moving and we were the only people in the world.

We moved closer, our faces only inches apart until Katie  closed the distance and our lips met. The kiss was passionate and she started kissing down my jaw until she reached my neck. I moved my head to the side giving her more access. I felt her hands go under my ass, lifting me up and sitting me on the counter. Our lips met again and the kiss grew more hungry

"Let me take you upstairs and show you how much i missed you" she whispered in my ear when we broke away from the kiss

She didn't wait for a reply and her hands went to my thighs,lifting me up again and walking towards the stairs as our lips connected once again.

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