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Sitting near the railing enjoying the cool breeze Amara loved listening to her crews daily chatter. There was Nami who's telling off Usopp and Luffy for being idiots, Zoro who's working out and Sanji who's wiggle dancing toward his "Nami-Swan" with a ice cold drink.

Amara would be lieing if she said she wasn't a tade bit jealous, Since they joined this crew she's hardly gotten to speak a word to her bestfriend. He's always busy doing whatever Nami ask of him or making Nami a special treat, or looking for that special ingredient for her. Amara just can't understand where her bestfriend went its like the moment they got onto Going Merry they became strangers to one another.

Nowadays she spends her time training with Luffy and Zoro, she doesn't want to be a burden and always have them save her so ask them for their help. Zoro was surprised by agreed as long as she doesn't pester him and buys him his booze at ever island, Luffy was excited to have a sparing partner again. He would tell her stories of training with his brothers.

Luffy has become like a brother to Amara and one calm night they exchanged stories.

"Mara, tell me your story how'd you end up at the Baratie with Sanji?" Luffy asked as he layed on the ship head. Amara smiled he's the first one to ask and she feels as if she can trust Luffy.

"I won't tell you Sanji story but I'll tell you A bit about mine, I was a orphan turned into a slave maid. I met sanji when I was four together we escaped that land and ended up with Zeff." Shaking the memories off she continues watching the waves.

"You don't know who your family is?" Smiling at Luffy she shakes her head "My first memory I'm shackled in the haul of a ship I've only ever known my first name." Luffy thinks about this for a moment before grinning "Wait right here!" Before she can blink he's gone and back again with two small cups filled with something.

"Here, did you know if you share a drank of Saki with someone that makes you family..well drink up after this I declare your officially Monkey D Amara my big sister!" Amara couldn't help but laugh but went along with his plan anyway it felt nice having someone want her as their family.

"So Luffy, tell me about your story, after all I need to know my little brother better." Luffy grins that grin that lights the world up "Well I grew up in foosha Village here in East Blue, my grandpa Garp took me to some mountain bandits named Dadan where I met my brothers Ace and Sabo...we would fight together, hunt together, we built our own fort and talked about our dreams of becoming pirates...Sabo Ace and I vowed to carry on Sabo dream of freedom and sailing the world....hehe I haven't seen Ace in three years but I know I'll see him sooner or later I've seen his wanted poster!"

That night they snuck snacks and talked all night about Luffy adventures with Ace and Sabo and Amara told him about her cooking failures and Sanji noodle dance fiascos,, under the moon they bonded becoming closer than ever sealing a Bond of friendship and family. Luffy loved that he had someone he could talk about Sabo with and laugh at the memories, it's been years since he could do that and he misses it more than he knew. He may not know where Ace is but he sure knows Ace will love to meet their newest sister.

Since that night those two have been inseparable, Amara always there to play when he gets bored and the first one he grabs when he wants to explore. He truly did miss having a sibling around and she feels that void for him, he loved his Nakama but Amara is different she's special to him.

In Alabasta Amara never laughed so hard when meeting Ace for the first time, luffy had told her about his hat so when luffy started barreling toward the first restaurant he spotted she noticed Ace right away from the wanted poster Luffy showed her. Seeing the Marine and Aces face as luffy sent them flying was priceless

Later on meeting up with Ace, Amara couldn't help but smile at the reunion

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Later on meeting up with Ace, Amara couldn't help but smile at the reunion.

"Oh hey Ace, This is Amara she doesn't have a family so I shared some Saki with her and made her our sister isn't that awesome!" Ace smiled at his brother knowing he wouldn't do that unless she meant alot to him.

Turning toward the girl he could see she didn't feel like she fit in which made her perfect for their family grabbing the girl Ace gave her a bear hug squeezing her just a tad bit to hard but the girl just laughed whispering HI.

"Well guess I need to add a second A to my Tattoo welcome to our crazy family!" Before she could reply Luffy and Ace fell asleep standing. Laughing she simply just wanted for them wake up while watching their back, she was used to this with Luffy.

After fighting some creeps Luffy slung then toward the Going Merry leaving Ace behind but she noticed he had his own boat so she didn't worry. The crew questioned Luffy about his brother while Amara just held her hand over to mouth to stop her giggle when she spots Ace heading their way motioning her to stay quiet meaning he's gonna scare them.

"I bet I can kick his butt now!" THUMP,BAM "Who's butt you think you can kick now!" Hehehehe Luffy just laughed as everyone looked shocked at Ace sudden appearance.

Chatting with Ace and Luffy she truly felt like sibling with these two goof balls. She misses this with Sanji but begger can't be choosers ya know.

After a long journey in the desert Ace says its time he went his seperate ways giving Luffy and I his Vivre card which confused the others why I was including and when he ask to speak to me alone.

"Listen here sis, I can see you walking with your Head down. Your a Monkey Portgas D now we're brave and Confident and know our worth and don't care what anyone thinks of us! And stop with bullshit about not being worthy or pretty enough. Your gorgeous and any man who doesn't see it is a damn fool and doesn't know true beauty. One day a man will see it and that Day Luffy and I will have to kick his ass to make sure he good enough. Here I made this while we camped its alittle gift from me to welcome you to my family hold it close and anytime you feel this look at these and remember my words ok!" Ace hugged her tightly kissing her forehead before turning and disappeared right before her eyes.

Looking at her wrist she gasp it's a bracelet made out of the same thing as his necklace..he must have took some off his necklace to make this for her.

Luffy notices the bracelet and Smiles at her before grabbing her and walking ahead of the other who still look confused by the interactions of those two.

Sanji felt confused, he should he glad she's finally finding her own friends and stop pestering him. Yet all he feels jealousy and as if he's being replaced, it can't be though this is what he's wanted he's been stuck watching out for her his whole life he should be rejoiced she finally out of his why does he feel so Sad not even able to look toward the two beautiful ladies right infront of him.





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