ch 14

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Two week following Amara waking up has been confusing to the young women, firstly Sanji has been there talking with her,making her favorite meals and completely ignoring any of other women. He's been rude and downright ignoring Nami at every chance, she's found little notes on her pillow every day each saying four words.

I'm so sorry!

To say she's confused by this turn of actions was a understated. Acting natural Amara let things play out as she continued your daily route, the crews were helping the people of Wano rebuild.

Ace and Luffy stuck close to Amara each needing the closeness after once again almost losing each other. Everyone expected this as they were the same after the battle of the best. Otama once asked them if they were real brothers and sister as they act like it.

Marco answered her "There is individuals you'll meet in your life, they'll make make such a impact that blood is just the fluid that keeps your alive. Their bond is stronger than any DNA could dream of making." He himself loving how close those three are and how protective they are of one another.

Sabo was another one the people were confused by, as soon as he showed up with reenformentd and equipment to help them he had stuck to the three like a overbearing mama bear. If you didn't know you'd swear they were biological siblings the way they were, making Pop laugh and question if Ace,Luffy and Sabo could infact be Marco's making the these in question laugh themselves as they made papa pinapple jokes all day.


On week four Sanji had finally gotten the nerve to talk to Amara, he had asked Luffy for help in getting some undisturbed time with her to really apologize and admit everything to her.

Luffy knowing she still loves you decided to help and get Ace and Marco to help him make this happen.

Three says later they asked Amara to grab certain things from both the Moby dick and the Thousand Sunny, now since there still so worried about her they were sending Sanji as back up incase he needed help as they were all to busy.

Not seeing a problem with it she agree and they headed out on foot, Sanji hand were shaking from nerves he didn't want to mess this up anymore Than he already has and prays he's not to late. After a safe distance away Sanji finally asked her the question he'd been thinking about since cake island.

"Mara...Am I to late?...Have I pushed to far?" He could hear the nervousness in his own voice. Gulping when she stopped mid step still staring ahead.

"Late for what?" She whispered.

"For you to forgive me, to let me show you how sorry I am and that my words were all a lie.. show you I'm in love with you...." gulping he wanted to look at anything just so he won't see the answer written in her body language if it's no.

Amara had tears threatening to fall 'What changed his mind, can I trust this?'  Her mind playing those thoughts in a loop. Needing to see his face she turns around finding him in tears aswell.

 Needing to see his face she turns around finding him in tears aswell

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"I..I want to believe you's just so hard after everything..why now? What did I do to make you treat me that way?" Tears fell freely asking him the things she had wish to for so long.

Shaking his head trying to wipe away the tears "I know, I know I've make you trusting next to impossible and I hate myself for that! I didn't even know why I did the things I did until believing I had lost you forever, I couldn't rest or ea until I knew you were gonna make it. While I sat there waiting on news of you I thought long and hard and while I'm not making excuses I've figured out alot.!" Sanji admitted.

Taken a seat on a downed log Amara played with the bracelet Ace had given her. "And what did you find out?" She asked scared of the answer.

" I was blinded, not seeing what was right infront of me. I was whood by the fact that Nami flirted back believing myself to be in love with her, using that excuse to turn my back on the very person who's always had mine. Simply because she tried to tell me I was being used and I didn't want to hear so I chose to believe a lie, not questioning the little things she whispered in my ear making me treat the women I love like trash when all along that very women was trying to make sure I was safe and not getting her physically and emotionally like she has since we were 5." Sanji dropped to his knees infront of her grabbing her hands.

"I was stupid and let others decide what I needed and pushed away the only person in my life who's always asked me what I wanted and not demanded something of me, the point I finally saw Nami manipulation was after our fight I believed I had actually hit you and all I could here was her approval of me doing just that. As soon as I saw what I had done I knew I've been a fool all along, beating myself up believing being forced back into that family and marrying that horrendous women's daughter was my punishment. Having my choices and freedom stripped from me. You would have never approved of me hitting any women because you know how much I respect them however she did, it made me think of other instances where did something similar. But on the way here when I tried getting you to come with me her comment about you drowning was the last stitch, everything she's ever done to manipulate me into basically being her slave all because I wanted her attention. I haven't spoken to her since before the battle and I've already told Lufy whether you can forgive or not doesn't change anything I'm done with Nami. I only have eyes for one women as she's all I truly want by my side a she has my whole life." Jaw dropped Amara squeezed Sanji hands.

"I'm glad your finally free from her clutches, Sanji I love you with all my heart and soul so much so I've never been able to try with another man. I don't resent you for that as it was my own doing, I forgive you Sanji...but,as much as I want to jump into your arms and say let's be together..I can't trust you just yet. How about we start over as friends and go from there?" Shaking Amara hopes this will work her heart aches to keep him close yet hiding away afraid of being hurt again.

Sanji completely understanding and respecting her decision nods while squeezing her hand. "I'd love that, I'll prove to you I'm worth the wait just as your worth the work to gain your trust back!" Wrapping his arms around her squeezing her tightly Sanji takes a deep breath mesmerizing her scent that makes him feel like he's home.

Looking into her eyes "can I kiss you?" Looking into his eyes she sees desperate for acceptance she nods slowly.

"Only one please!" Amara whispers while he cupps her cheek in one and hand while playing with her fingers on the other.

Sanji leaned in slowly attaching his to her full luscious lips, savory the taste and feel he pulls away smiling at his bestfriend.

Just as Wano was celebrating New Dawn so was Two bestfriend that had lost thei way for awhile , hoping they'll find the right passage into road of love,trust and forgiveness..

The Two talked none stop while she got the things the guys had requested from their respected ships. Both smiling having Missing.





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