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  It has been amazing this journey Luffy had given us, were currently at Sabaody Archipelago where there rumored to he a ship coating man who will help us get to Fishman Island.

Sanji and I still aren't speaking much, It's gotten worse since Zoro is now my full time trainer since we learned I have a knack for swordmanship. On the last Island were attacked by a man who's been mistaken for Sanji and by me laughing it pissed Sanji off to the point he didn't he come when I needed help. It's not like him but Nami suggested maybe it's because we were forced to grow up together and this is our time to go our seperate ways.

That confused me seeing as how were both Strawhat members Luffy ask us individually to join, how can we go our seperate ways if we're on a ship weeks at a time. Zoro and Luffy over hearing this told me just to ignore what Nami said and live my life the way I want and chase my dream.

Thing is, I don't know what my dream is. For years it was to set Sanji free I did that, then it was to help him become a great Cheif I did that to, then it was to help him find the All Blue. As for me well I just wanted a family and someone who loves me and to see as much as the world as I can..not to ambitious is it. I guess I just dream to be able to protect those I care about.

While exploring the island Cammie got kidnapped leading us to a human auction house...this place send chills down my spine I tried to stay outside waiting for the other but Sanji told me not to be selfish that we were here for Cammie.

Inside the auction house Amara was drawn into a dark memory.

"Mommy please help me, wake up mommy don't let them take me, I promise I'll do better!" Little Amara cried shaking her sleeping mother shaking from fear.

A group of scary men shoved a bag over her head and put cuff around her wrist and ankles before tossing her out the door "Light it up, ain't nothing in this shack but a dead broad and dirt!" mommy just sleeping, she does that she sleeps alot she just needs rest and food we've been without it for so long cause of those mean Ole men who won't let us out.

In darkness Amara felt true terror she couldn't hear anything or see anything as her stomach growled begging for food. The next time she saw light she was kneeled on a stage as a man called out number as people in the crowd help up signs hollering even more numbers.

A giant blonde man with the number 66 on his back had won, it was then Amara learned she was sold as a slave.

"AMARA!" snapping out of her memory shaking to her core she realizes she has drawn the attention of everyone including a man with a white and black polka dot hat next to a polar bear and the big red headed dude in the back. Blinking she spots Hachi bleeding and runs to help him out ignoring the questioning looks from everyone. Everyone escape Luffy who knows her story.

As the guards start attacking Zoro and Amara attack backing Luffy as Sanji fights his way toward Cammie.

Suddenly every guard drops drawing their attention to a older man on stage after he helps Cammie escape. Luffy and two other Captains start arguing about who's going to take care of Marines, Amara follows wanting stay close yo luffy. There she learn the names Trafalgar Law the polka dot guy and Eustace Kidd the red hair one.

Watching them use their gifts amazes her she's very curious about that traffy guys power..she admit it's not only his power she find interesting but she'll just keep that to herself. It reminds her of the conversation between her and Zoro one night after Sanji had gotten on his last nerve.

"Listen here, one day when we're old if neither of us are married I'll marry you..I'll get to carry on my legacy and piss off that Uro cook all in the swoop!" Amara just laughed Zoro says this everytime Sanji pisses him off "Zoro why I'll admit your devilish Handsome and any women would be lucky, I just see you as my bestfriend but thanks for the offer!" Raising his eyebrow he shrugs "Doesn't matter we'll just close our eyes when we do that!" Busting our laughing at his drunken seriousness she must shakes her head mumbling a sure buddy as he passes out.

Zoro has said that for months now and it cracks her up each time, she once asked him about while he was sober and he just said "Well its a solid fall back plan for the future, I don't see a problems with it!" And just walks away. Ironically someone overheard that conversation cause Sanji came to her later that night.

"Are you that desperate for love, you settle as a baby maker for that Marimo? Seriously Amara you know he's just using you right he doesn't actually like you?" Shaking her head in anger at her former bestfriend she just walks away wondering what she did to make him despise her so much.

After learning the old man was none other than Dark King Silvers Rayleigh former Vice Captain to the King of the pirates the group scattered planning to meet back up in three days.

Sadly one by one we were disappearing.











All ten strawhats disappeared before a blink of eye, none knowing If the others were alive.





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