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Across the Seas Ten individuals fly as warp speed heading in all different directions all believing they've died and gone to pirate heaven.

Amara closed her eyes not wanting to see her end, in her mind she recaps the better times with Sani wishing they hadn't fought the last time they spoke. 'Thank you Sanji, I owe you my freedom and life'

Not far from Sabaody Archipelago on their way to save their brother sails the whitebeard Pirates already gave gotten their ship coated for the upcoming battle.

"Pops we got incoming something falling from the sky and fast to!" Every member looked toward the sky sure enough something was fallen, with Marco Phoenix he realizes it a women and she looks unconscious. Flying up Marco catches her swiftly, landing sofly on the deck they couldn't believe their eyes.

There lay the girl Ace had wrote about, Amara his new sister but what on earth could have sent her flying like this?

Still on course for Marineford the crew continued getting ready while Whitebeard and Marco waiting for the girl to wake up and explain.

Hours later they finally heard a groan from the mysterious girl curious of what she'll do, they stayed silent watching as she looked around blinking her eyes until they widened while she frantically searched her person calming once her hand touched her swords and then her bracelet that looks very similar to Aces necklace.

"Huh ha, little lady want to explain why you were flying at high speeds intending to crash into our ship?" Snapping her head toward the voice she gasp at mere size of the man.

"Yo...your Whitebeard..wait Whitebeard as in Aces he here? Can I see him?" Jumping to her feet she runs over toward the two men with excitement. "Little girl answer my question first!" Wide eyes she looks up at the captain with suck hope and saddnes. "We were attacked by the Admiral and a guy they called Kuma did this, I thought I was dead..yet I'm here...can that mean the rest of us are alive aswell!"

Marco and Whitebeard glanced at one another having heard of Kuma and his power before "Yoi, yes where Ace crew, he's not here were on our way to save him now." Running at the pineapple man Amara grabs ahold his shirt shaking the man is desperation "What do you mean save him? Where is he? Who's endanger him?" Marco just placed the paper in her hand before taken a seat.

Portgas D Ace to be executed!"

Dropping to her knees she let's loose a scream that sent Shiver through every man on board including Marco and Whitebeard.

"I'm fighting with you, I have to save him he excepted me as part of his family. He made me realize I was more than I ever thought I was, he can not die.. oh my God Luffy..Luffy doesn't know!" Pure determination could be seen on the girls face showing Whitebeard and Marco she meant business and would fight even if it meant her own death to save him.

"Fine, but we're going against the warlords,fleet Admiral you name it their there and only have one mission to kill anyone who dares tries to stop the execution, you ready to put your life on the line like that?" Stated Whitebeard testing the girls loyalty.

"Listen here old man, I may not have known Ace long but the week I got to spend with him he never question why our brother Luffy excepted me and made me family. He is the reason I'm not longer taken any shit from someone I thought was my bestfriend and finally knowing what it's like having siblings, so if that means I die saving his life ill gladly go knowing he gets to continue on helping other such as myself. So if you think for a second I'll back out well then go fuck yourself!" Amara screams in frustration tired if being underestimated drawing her swords ready to fight anyone who dares tries to stop her.

"I like this one!" Marco laughed lowering her swords nodding for her to follow him "You can't fight in that, this is Aces room grab something and rest up well be there before the executive and you'll need rest and recover before then."

Changing into a pair of Aces boxers and t-shirt Amara layed down sending a silent prayer that they'll be able to save Ace.


Amara was amazing when the ship went under water, even more amazed at their plan to sneak up on the Marines. Her respect for Whitebeard and his crew grew they obviously have great battle strategy but also for saving Ace and excepting him as one of their brothers.

Battle has been raging on, Luffy showed up falling from the sky and together they fought to reach their brother. Amara finally met Garp as Luffy punches him out of our way, reaching Ace, Amara noticed the tears he tried to conceal but before they could get the cuffs off the key broke and the main dude attacked. Luckily for us Mr 3 was there and made a dome shielding us as Luffy fought him from crushing us.

Falling with the Platform Amara clung to Ace not willing to let him go as Mr 3 made a key luffy was able to insert it into the cuff right as the falling platform explodes around us. Amara arm got burnt but nothing she couldn't handle as Ace had saved them by activating his own and creating a tunnel for them to escape.

Fighting back to back making their way toward the ships the three sibling fought in sync with one another kicking ass and blazing ahead. Right as they were just about to reach safety one of the Admiral taunted Ace about Whitebeard and his biological Father, knowing she can't stop him she waited near by incase she needs to interfere.

The time came for her to step in..Akainu the man with magma fist went after Luffy and she saw Aces look he's about to jump infront of him and take the deadly blow, before anyone could blink she landed right infront of Ace her back against his as she holds up her swords blocking the blow being burnt in the process but pushing the pain away.

"GET LUFFY AND ACE OUT OF HERE!" She didn't care who heard as long as they listened she could hear Whitebeard command Ace to bring his brother to Safety and for Marco to protect her, pushing against the man she swings her blades in fast speeds nipping his cheek unable to touch him do to haki.

Marco shows up sending Akainu flying away grabbing her by his Phoenix claws carrying her to Safety where he drops her in Jimbei already filled arms. As Jimbei runs with the three siblings he gets blasted with a lava blast that shoots right through his side hitting Luffy,Ace and Amara knocking them all unconscious. Luffy chest,Aces and Amaras backs severely damaged.

Marco swore seeing then all unconscious ready to kill everyone who dares hurt them, his attention turns toward the bastard that caused all this Blackbeard the man who killed one of their own over a damn devil fruit and who turned Ace in.

Before Marco or Whitebeard could react a boy with pink hair screams an inspiring speech almost getting killed by Akainu until Shanks intervened and demanded a Cease Fire daring anyone who still wanted to fight they could fight him and his crew.

Jimbei had passed out from his injuries the four were passed to Buggy the clown who flew away almost getting attacked himself before he dropped the four onboard a Submarine with a doctor.

"Who was that girl with Luffy?" Asked Shanks

"Yoi..Luffy and Ace shared some Saki with her claiming her as there sister..apparently she doesn't have a family not know her own last name so they gave her theirs..she demanded to fight today to save Ace." Replied Marco

"Kids got guts ill give her that, hey Buggy I got a interesting Map I'll give you if you take this to luffy?" Tossing the hat to floating clown Shanks felt he accomplished what he needed to waiting silently as the marines picked up their injured aswell as the pirates. Shanks stayed until all pirates had left and gotten a good distance away make sure Kizou didn't continue his pursuit in the submarine.

On board the Submarine one doctor stared at his patients with a devilish smirk "This should be fun!"

It's up to Surgeon of Death to save the siblings now.





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