ch 10

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Authors note
Some may say Sanji would never! For this story only it's part of their story I promise the Sanji we all love and know will be back soon.

Amara wiped her cheek of the blood that trickled down her face, although Sanji had not actually kicked her his flames has singed her cheek and neck opening the cut she got from that tree lady Brulee. Her mind combined the two instances together making her believe he had actually hit her something no matter the person if there a women he won't hit.

While getting Chopper back and making their way toward where Luffy was Chopper grew worried as he could see Amara growing colder and colder as a mask of indifference slipped apon her face. He doesn't know what happened but it couldn't be good if she's like this.

After meeting back up with Luffy at the tree he's vowed to sit at until Sanji comes back Chopper learns of the fight between them and Sanji. His concerns proved right with Amara next words.

"While he didn't actually kick me his flames did do a good job of driving his point home." With that she went off to find Brook.


"I've got a sanji!" She heard through the mirror piece she had as a way to communicate with the rest.

Barely listening to what was said she almost missed her name being said.

"Amara, you with us? You have to be careful that Judge dude wants to kill you   and has Big mom convinced you need to die or all her plans will fail, you need to be safe!" Luffy exclaimed with worry.

"Yeah, Doesn't surprise me one bit..luffy give Sanji a message for me with ya?"


"I don't want to speak to him just pass this along for me, I finally understand and you have your wish. I'm done, as far as I'm concerned we're crewmates who never speak or interact you do your thing I'll do mine, I'll help save you then were even and I can finally move on and be done with all this!"

Not knowing Sanji had been staring into the Mirror the whole time wishing she wasn't saying this and regretting everything he had ever said and done to hurt her, when her image disappeared indicating she shattered her piece Luffy grabbed their shattering it aswell.

"I've really messed, up haven't i?"  Asked sanji as tears fells down his cheek.

"Yeah, yeah you have. She's been in love with you for years and believed you were worth waiting on, things will be tense onboard but you have respect her wishes and hope one day you'll be able to apologize and tell her how you truly feel and hope she forgives you. Even if that means seeing her move on herself, she has option Sanji and even seeing you with other women she didn't stray but now we'll you have deal with the consequences. You could have simply said exactly what you said to me but you felt the need to be harsher with her, you need to find what happened that caused you to turn your back on her the moment you left the Baratie!"

Luffy walked away trying to be a good captain while his brother protectivness wanted him to hit him much more than he already has.

Sanji thought about Luffy words 'He's right, she could move on and leave him behind just like he done to her. He doesn't think he'll be able to handle that' walking with his head down his thoughts to loud.

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