chapter 11: Glimpse of us

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Yoko's POV

It's orientation day now and I'm just sitting here at my seat, admiring Faye who's announcing something about the new student who's coming into our class.

I admired Faye and she's glancing at me with her eyes full of adoration, maybe

I look cute in this pink hoodie of mine, I'm her baby. opx I forgot about the label, I don't know but I don't care about the label although we already taste each other for a about 3 times now, the last time was when Lux was almost caught us.

I got back to my sense when Faye walks towards me while she still explaining something, maybe I stared at her for so long that she remind me that we are in class.

I'm just listening to her when she said the guy name who's coming in next week. The guy was named Folk, I wonder how he looks like.

The bell rang sign of the day was end now and everyone now was went out heading home while Marissa and Irin asked me to hung out with them since the last time was a month ago now.

Faye was still in here now at the classroom fixing her things probably waiting for me since she got used to send me home after class.

I look at her and she look at me with her eyebrows raised almost like asking me, I told to Marissa and Irin to go there at the amor café first because I have to do something.

Once Marissa and Irin got out of the classroom, I run to Faye and hug her tight, She then move me away from hugging her by pushing my forehead away.

I look at her frown and she said "We are still at the campus act appropriate" with her calm voice while her hand was still at my forehead.

"But it's just the two of us here you see?" I said while I pout at her. "Let's go now I'll send you to your friends" Faye said and I just nod, I know she knows I was sulking to her.

Faye now was went sign off to her work today and we proceed to her car.

As you usually she open the car door and protect my head.

It's her love language, Omo I'm inlove again.

When we got inside she gave me a something I can't guess it since she said I open it when I got home and called her to let her see my reaction.

Faye was now driving and me was clinging on her, she was driving with her left hand while her other hand was caressing my head.

We got stuck at traffic so I message Irin and Marissa to wait me because we stuck at the traffic.

While we stuck on the traffic, I want to tease Faye by kissing her cheeks but she just keep silent and act I wasn't here.

Tsk, so I stop and just sit there with my arm crossed.

She then look at me and ask "Why did you stop? continue it I like it" She said but I didn't look at her

"Sulking?" She ask and chuckle.

"tsk go now it's green light" I said to her still didn't looking at her. She then start driving again and her hand now was at my thigh massaging it,

"Faye stop it, I don't like it" I said acting that i don't like what she was doing

"Are you sure you don't like it?" She ask then stop what she was doing,

I let "tsk" and she just smirk.

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