chapter 13: Dream

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Yoko's POV

Yesterday before I go to bed I gave orders to my maid that they should pick up my things at the apartment before Faye got home there. They immediately do what i commanded while Me staying outside in the beach side.

As I walk around the beach side I saw a boy sitting at my favorite spot reading a book, He's kinda cute to be honest.

I turned around and continue walking while I feel the cold breeze of wind touching my body.

As I walk someone called me from behind and I know it was the boy I saw, “Hey” He called my attention so I turn around and he's now walking towards me he was holding something other than the book he read.

“Did I know you?” I ask him with confuse look he just look at me with her lips that was smiling for me.

“Ahm probably no But I know you, aren't you the genius girl from Howard University?” He said he sounds excited but I only look at him with my raise brow.

“Yeah, why?” I ask calmly giving him my trust because we both in the same age plus he's kind the way he talk.

“Ow I forgot to introduce I'm Folk by the way, I study at LaEla University how about you?” Folk said while smiling and move her hand for shake hands. We shake hands and he lock our eye contact, I saw a adoration in his eyes while I reminiscing the eye contact i made with Faye.

I miss her

I remove my hand to his and I turned around to walk away but he stop me.

“What?” I asked sounds irritated from him but he just smiled and hand me the bracelet that have a seashells on it. It's cute. “Tsk” I left him alone and walk away until I reach my home.

When I got home I saw my maids placing my things that they pick earlier.

“Is there anything still left there?” I ask then they said a pieces of books was still left there with a women. It's Faye, Is she's waiting for me to came home? but No there's no way i'll turning back I'm here now alone and free I can do what I want without thinking of someone might get upset.

I was lost in my thoughts when my maid suddenly ask me if we can talk privately so I nodded and walk inside the kitchen then she follows.

“Ah ma'am, when we got there in your apartment there is a woman asking about you and she wants to give you this” The maid hand over the paper bag that was Faye gave to me last friday. “She told me to say to you that you should call her when your about to open that present” My maid additional said. I just nod and said thank you to her then she'd back to her work.


As I try to find my comfort position at sleeping I saw the gift from Faye. I look at it while thinking if I should open it without calling Faye or should I call her.

I want to call her badly but something was forcing me to not call her, I miss her but I should hold it until I finally moved on from her plus for sure we gonna see each other tomorrow in class.

I'm going to class for my studies not for her, There is no point talking to her we don't have any label or something. I just want to end this because I'm hurting, Even I'm hurting I still tried to act like everything was fine in front of other people.

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