chapter 17: Deepest wound

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author's pov

Yoko wake's up without no one's in her room, She tries to sat up and support her weight by using her arm but she just got hurt because of her deep wound that stretch her skin to cause her yelp because of pain she felt.

Even she felt the ache at her wrist she still manage to sat up and grab her phone at the night stand to call someone, because Jennie command her maids and driver to go home yesterday night to get some rest.

When Yoko was about to call someone, her hospital room door open and show Jennie with the doctor.

Both Jennie and the doctor was shock seeing Yoko wide awake, they was shock because inside the 2days straight Yoko was just asleep.

The doctor said yoko slept for 2 days because of the medicine they inject at Yoko. It's a medicine for anti-depresant and anesthesia plus the medicine to let Yoko rest for awhile because the the doctor saw at Yoko's medical report that she's been suffering from insomnia and near to overdose using a sleeping pill.

Jennie approach Yoko and said “Thank God your awake now” Jennie said and hug Yoko while she caress Yoko's hair.

“ahm why??” Yoko asked and still having a lot of question marks inside her head but Jennie looks like she didn't hear yoko because she's talking to the doctor.

Yoko seems don't know that she slept for too long but she's shy enough to ask so she just let it flow and try to distracted her self by scratching the deadskin on her nails.

“Are you fine now Ms. Apasra? is your wrist still hurts?” The doctor ask Yoko and Yoko just shook her head to answer for no and she showed a genuine smile that she make Jennie and the doctor smile.

Before the doctor went out he said that Yoko can finally go home and just clean the wound everyday and put an ointment to prevent it from leaving a scar.

“So are you ready to go home? or... do you want to come with us at US?” Jennie ask while she start clearing up Yoko's things.

“Ahm Jen...” Yoko called Jennie's name to call her attention, Jennie turn her head around and Ask “Yes? Do you want something?” Jennie ask handing me the white sweater with the pair of grey pants.

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